Yuuji, Practicing Magic in the Garden as the Symptoms of Chuunibyou Appears

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The next morning after the adventurers returned to the city.

「Fufufu...... The request was accepted, I also need to give my praise to everyone on the bulletin board...... Going well, going well!」(Yuuji)

While emitting his monologue cheerfully, Yuuji was walking around the house plot with Kotarou.

It was at a distance where they could quickly take refuge inside the house plot, while harvesting the nearby food.

Kotarou was sniffing out the scents and repeatedly making a mark, "This is my territory"

It seemed she was overwriting the scent that the unknown people brought.

Alice was house-sitting.

「At any rate, the adventurers returned to the south. If the city was near the river, since the river is located to the west from this house, then I think they surely followed the trail in the west......」(Yuuji)

Yuuji swung the hatchet, Yuuji restlessly compared the trail to the south and west that he repeatedly made when gathering food.

「They said that it need three whole days, but I only walked for 2 days and 3 nights...... If I didn't think about returning home and kept on walking then maybe last summer I would have reached the city.」(Yuuji)

When Yuuji was brooding, "Woof" Kotarou barked.

"What are you talking about? Then Alice would be in danger right?"(Kotarou)

Was what she wanted to say. Yuuji couldn't see Kotarou's intention and just patted her head.

「The harvest was only wild grasses, but let's go back soon, Kotarou. Since it seems that recently there are armed human beings loitering around inside the forest......」(Yuuji)

Woof woof! "That's right, you need to be more vigilant." (Kotarou)

Kotarou made a bark towards Yuuji and then she turned around and guided him back to the house.

Apparently, it seems that Yuuji finally had a vigilant heart.


After finishing with harvesting in the morning, it was the afternoon after taking a light lunch.

Yuuji went out to the garden, and for some unfathomable reason started making some strange poses.

Alice was having her nap time in her room, and Kotaru was rolled up beside her.

His left hand was grasping his right wrist, while his right arm was stretched out. With his hand aiming at the vast space in the garden, Yuuji made a loud yell.

「As decreed by the "Magician of the Forest" Yuuji. O Fire of the Underworld, O Prison of Flame that slays the Gods. Gather in my right palm, the power to crush the God's Enemies. Manifest, The Sixth Layer of Hell. Blazing Hell(Flame Inferno)1」(Yuuji)

It seems that it was just a symptom of Chuunibyou.

Of course, no fire came out from his hand.

In the first place why was he shouting underworld and then calling out hell?2

Also it wasn't God's Enemies, but Buddha's Enemies.3

What a messed up incantation.

「Yuuji-nii, what are you doing in that weird pose?」(Alice)

It seemed that Alice was watching.

Alice, who had woken up from her afternoon nap, came to the garden to search for Yuuji.

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