Chapter 9, Idle talk 6 [9-18]

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"Eh? Come again? Excuse me Sakura-san, but please say it again. Because I heard you're going to adapt Yuuji-san's story into a movie in Hollywood. Eh? I was correct? ... Is that true?"

An international phone call entering Gunji law firm nearby the prefectural office, Utsunomiya.

The telephone call that Gunji the attorney picked up was from Sakura.

The usually calm Gunji was unusually flustered. Of course he would. It was simply not a believable story. No, the fact that Yuuji had gone to another world would usually not be a believable story either however.

That tale of Yuuji will become a movie. In Hollywood.

It was a story that anyone would naturally be suspicious of if they were to hear it.

"Yes... I see, and so they said they would like me to suppress the usage of media, images and videos even more closely than until now. Alright. There is the fact that it's an overseas movie adaptation, so I think I will have to look for a competent attorney. I can still leave it at a study stage right? Yes. I shall put together a basic policy including our organisation, and make a proposal to you, Sakura-san"

Even if he was fifty years old and was running his own law firm, he had his strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention when it came to an overseas movie adaptation, there would be many things they ought to control and decide on like copyrights, right to publicity and its extent. Although Gunji was an experienced attorney, it was outside his field of expertise. It appears that he has decided to pursue an intermediary and search for a competent attorney.

"By the way Sakura-san... Have you told this story to Yuuji-san? Is that so, so after this then... What about Yuuji-san not being able to upload images and videos on the bulletin board from hereon? No, I'm wondering if everyone would care about it, not me. Yes, not me. Is that so, so they said they want to make it so that there is no problem with uploading things to the bulletin board itself. I will put every effort into this. Ah, no, it's not for my sake but for everyone's. Yes, alright"

What Gunji was anxious about first of all after receiving this story was seemingly the treatment of the images and videos that Yuuji was supposed to upload from here on.

This attorney, he seems to have gotten greatly corrupted by the fantasy world.

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After hanging up, Gunji deeply reclined on the chair and made a deep sigh.

He seems to have subdued his agitation.

Gunji stood up, made himself coffee and pondered for a short while.

Perhaps having collected his thoughts in the end, he began to move with pen and memo book in his hand.

"The point of contact for images and news coverage as an attorney won't be a problem if kept as is. I'll shut it down this way. No, I should be a little more aggressive in warnings when they're used without permission and incorporate a writing of instructions on the bulletin board. This is a matter to discuss. An attorney well-informed in international laws, copyrights and personal rights would be... I guess contacting sensei would be best. Hum"

Having filling in a note while speaking to himself, Gunji stopped his hand. He extended his hand towards the telephone on his desk and dialed. It appears that he intend to get in contact immediately.

"This is Gunji. Sensei, I haven't seen you for a long time. Yes, yes, I've been in good health. You too sensei, are you enjoying your remaining lives after retiring? Hahaha. So sensei, there's something I'd like to consult you about. I'd like to take some of your time soon. Yes, I'm seeking direction. The day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow would be... yes, I have no problems with that. Yes, please tell your wife I said hi as well"

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