Yuuji, taking command in battle as the defense captain for the first time

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Early morning.

Cries of Kotarou barking intensely reached the ears of Yuuji who was lying in his room.

Muttering "what could it be, she's being unusual," Yuuji woke up and peeled off Alice who was sleeping while sticking to him. He descended down the stairs as is and went towards the garden.

Kotarou had been staying in Yuuji's room since coming to this world, but after the subjugation commission of the monster village was put out, she stayed in the dog house in the garden.

"What's wrong, Kotarou? Something the matter?"

Yuuji talked to Kotarou, who was running around the garden and barking intensely. As expected, even Yuuji noticed the abnormal situation. Kotarou was a clever dog who would not bark for nothing.

Kotarou's cries must have been heard. People could be seen coming out of the residential complex that was before the tiny plaza before the gates. The entrance to the tent where the beastkin household were living in was turned over with a thud as well, and then the catkin Nina showed her face.

And then.

Sounds of wood striking each other resounded in the pioneer land.

The clappers that were set outside the fence responded.

"Enemies number around sixty. They're in the middle of invading along the trails. No presence of enemies in ambush in our surroundings"

Responding to Kotarou's voice and the clappers and hurriedly getting themselves ready, Yuuji, Alice and the pioneer citizens assembled in front of the south side fence.

Who reported the first was the scout of the former third rank adventurers party, who was in charge of their lookout at this period of time. His simpler than usual speaking style revealed that he was battle ready. He confirmed signs of enemies in the mere time until the pioneer citizens gathered after the clapper warnings, and he seems to have searched even the surroundings. There were around a mere twenty third class adventurers in the city of Premie. He was an excellent man. He was not just a perverted middle aged man. He didn't have a lover though.

"I see. The enemies are?"

"Mostly goblins. I can see the appearance of around ten orcs. I guess an orc leader is there, seeing their organized movements"

The former third rank adventurers party leader and the scout exchanged words. What was there was the atmosphere of a prickling battlefield.

"Mr Yuuji, what will you do? It's your first command in battle isn't it, defense captain?"

Having confirmed the enemy numbers and kinds, the party leader brought up the subject to Yuuji.

Yuuji had been silent until now. The defense captain of this pioneer land was Yuuji. He took command in establishing the defense facilities, but it was his first battle to protect this land.

"Err... So about how dangerous would this be?"

What came out of Yuuji's mouth were very unreliable words. But the subject was the identification of the level of enemy threat. *woof* Kotarou barked. Yes, you've got your orders right, is what she seemingly wanted to say. Kotarou had her hair standing on end and baring her teeth already. It was a uselessly powerful cry.

"Oh, that's a good question. I will have to answer this then... There are no problems. If it's just repelling them, then this guy and I, just the two of us will be plenty enough. Just me alone could work too, if we're able to choose a place where I can't be surrounded. If it's extermination without letting anyone escape, then we could with our whole party, about that much. If we lure them and the little missy here use the magic from before, then won't it be over with us just dealing the finishing blow to the survivors after that?"

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