Yuuji, inviting a woodworker as per the guildmaster's introduction

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"It appears this is the workshop. Shall we enter then, Mister Yuuji?"

The next day after finishing one thing or another at the adventurer's guild. Kevin and Yuuji took along Alice and Kotarou and visited a workshop.

In Kevin's hand was a letter of introduction from the guildmaster and in Yuuji's hands was the camera covered in the usual exterior.

Satisfying sounds of clang bang could be heard from inside. Yes, this is a workshop for both carpentry and the processing of any kind of lumber. They construct houses, create tools and fix broken tools. What are more essential in the early stages of pioneering than anything else are woodworkers.

They were also in need of smiths however, they are not yet ready to invite a smithing craftsman who requires a furnace. It seemed they will cope with it for a while by buying/doing reparations in the city when it comes to metal goods.

"The pioneer village, that still only has one building built there, is it......"

Perhaps they have heard of the letter of introduction from the guildmaster and the name of Kevin's firm, but who turned up in response to Yuuji and co was the master of this workshop. However, the master who had heard the situation had no interest. That was reasonable. It seems it's written in the guildmaster's letter of introduction to not worry about a defense force, but danger was an unavoidable part in pioneering. Not to mention, this workshop didn't seem to have troubles with work. The guildmaster wasn't likely to introduce them to an unskilled craftsman, so in a meaning this should be inevitable.

"That's how it is you know. ......By the way master, are you not interested in new technology?"

Having left Kevin to explain the situation and staying silent until then, Yuuji began to talk.

That's right.

The time he consulted the bulletin board with the things necessary for pioneering after this, the topic the majority raised was "Carpentry". As for farmwork, Yuuji's slave Marcel has knowledge in it. The more manpower the better, but if not then the pioneering speed will become slow. It was still not something to be troubled with in particular. However, the response was that a carpenter who can build a house, even a simple one, is by any means necessary. At any rate the beastkin family's situation was that they are for the time being living in the yaranga, the tent they built.

"Uhm? New technology you say?"

It appears the boss also had interests in that as a craftsman.

Yuuji took out a tiny box from inside the small bag he held.

That was a 12 cm long, 8 cm wide and 5 cm tall small wooden box.

A staple souvenir from Hakone with beautiful geometric patterns.

It's a parquetry. (wooden mosaic work)

It was something Yuuji's mother bought at the time both of his parents went on a trip to Hakone. He discovered it in his parent's bedroom and held it as per the advice of the denizens of the bulletin board.

"What is this box......? It's a lovely pattern but...... Um? Don't tell me, it's entirely wood!? Unbelievable!"

They must have heard the master's loud voice, the craftsmen who just took a break gathered one after another. The craftsmen were shown the box by the master and became excited. "What is this, did they combine trees of different structure? Nevertheless...... Woooah unbelievable, what is this -su!?" They chattered noisily and got excited.

"Uhm......You're opening, this box -su? Or is it more like it's just patterns and doesn't open -su?"

A young man among the noisy craftsmen talked with Yuuji and Kevin. It appears that what Yuuji held was a puzzle box so to speak.

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