Chapter 9, Idle talk 7 A certain bulletin board resident's story The third

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The man was an elite.

Graduating from a local public school with outstanding marks and going to a top private school in Nagoya.

For three years he commuted to school from his home, which was not in Toyota at the time, using a moped and the circular railway & Meitetsu.

He enrolled in the university named after Nagoya.

He graduated without repeating a year and found employment in a consulting firm in Tokyo.

Perhaps his character to ascertain things calmly and thinking while separating truth and emotion was fit for the job, he achieved results in the firm.

The man was an elite.


His natural born serious nature was his ruin.

He did not cut corners in his work.

If one were to grasp some points, consultation work could produce results even with reasonable workload.

The man did not cut corners in his work.

He always proposed methods and milestones that was reaching his ideals.

The client's trust in him was abundant, and his evaluation from his superiors was high.

Thereupon naturally the clients he would be responsible for increased.

He did not cut corners in his work.

Naturally, the man's workload and working hours increased.

And then.

It was when he returned to his apartment for the first time after a long time and woke up in the morning.

He could not move.

There was nothing strange with his body.

He had no fever.

He just could not move.

Like a toy whose batteries had run dry.

Kamiya Chuji, age 25.

Started the elite highway to success in the Tokai region of Honshu and proceeded to the capital in order to find employment, but now in low spirits due to exhausting work.

He stopped living alone in Tokyo that was prepared by his parents, and returned to his home which was in the rural area of Toyota.

This was a trivial tale until the wounded man once again recovered himself.

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Unexpectedly, the man's family and neighborhood residents warmly received him.

Mikawa people are kind to those they once recognized as their comrades.


Where the man lived was a small village among the mountains.

The man was targeted as a young farmer.

And then by the large merger, the man's home was then Toyota.

He would have as many jobs as he liked if he did not choose.

He also had the strongest connections in the Nagoya – Toyota area, which was his former classmate.

It's a good profession, but it's a side business like I thought, Ah right, you and this lady weren't divorced? Whaat, if it's Chuji-kun then he should get better in another five years, Tokyo is scary, isn't it? Such idle gossip rose for the first time in a long time. The elderly around him warmly watched over him without deeply interfering. Well, the elderly may just not have wanted to release a revived young working force however.

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