Yuuji-Meets the feudal lord's wife and the governor, applies for pioneering

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Two days after experiencing the difference in culture.

Finally, the day to meet the wife of the feudal lord and the governor has arrived.

Yuuji was putting on the neat clothes Kevin had prepared. It was a set of clothes with many frills on them.

"I can't really remain calm wearing this... What do you think, Alice, Koutarou?"

Knitting her eyebrows and folding her arms, she thought for awhile and replied,

"Mm. Mmm. I think Yuuji-nii looks cool!"

Why did you have to think about it? Is that really a compliment?

Alice was dressed in a simple one piece and cardigan.

Koutarou was pacing around Yuuji, not settling down.

'What are these frills? I am curious but– no biting, I can't bite, don't bite, don't you bite'–seemed like Koutarou was fighting against her instincts.

"Yuuji-san, are you done getting ready? Shall we leave?"

Wearing a similar clothing as Yuuji, with all the decoration and frills, Kevin came into the room and asked. It was different from the travelling attire Yuuji had always seen him wear. He looked like a proper merchant.

The employees and apprentices saw us off saying 'Have a good day!' altogether. We went outside and got into the carriage Kevin had prepared. Inside the carriage were Kevin, Alice, Koutarou and Yuuji. An exclusive guard was accompanying us as the driver.

The carriage went along the main street and before long, we could see the river from the window.

"Is the feudal lord's mansion close to the river? Ah, that reminds me, how are the water transportations using boats?"

"Yes, the mansion is just beside the river. You mean the riverbank a bit north from the center of the city, right? Its downstream leads to the capital. The city built the riverbank there to carry goods via boats to the capital. Moreover, as the forest is deep in the north, so in the early days, the feudal lord's mansion was at the most northern part of the city to protect the people. After that, the city developed and now the feudal lord's mansion appears much closer.

Kevin went on saying, 'Even now, the market for carrying wood with rafts and using ship transports is quite blooming. Although, there is the risk of water monsters when using the water path.'

'So there are aquatic monsters. I wonder if Kelpie or lizardmen exist.. No, maybe they are merman...' and so Kevin thought, and when he was just about to ask Kevin about it, the carriage's speed had started to slow down.

"Now then, Yuuji-san, we will arrive shortly. As I had instructed, do not forget the etiquettes and just leave everything to me. Even if something does happen, please do not lose your composure."

Kevin continued to remind Yuuji.

Koutarou barked 'Woof', as if she was saying 'I think it is impossible for Yuuji'...

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After arriving at the mansion, we were guided to the reception room by a lady attendant. 'Uwaah, a real maid-san..' such remarks from Yuuji were ignored by the rest.

By the way, Koutarou was being cared for beside the gate, in a guard's room. I am not sure if it was the same one or not but an armoured siberian husky which was walking on two-feet undertook looking after Koutarou.

Guided by the attendant, Kevin, Yuuji and Alice took their seats. The special guard we had brought with us was standing diagonally behind Kevin. Of course, he had surrendered his weapons to custody but was allowed to wear armour.

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