Chapter 9, Part 16

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[In the middle of subjugating] I kind of got to another world when I went out of my home after 10 years part 42 [the juice actors]

(TL: I translated 汁男優 as juice actors, but they're actually male AV actors starring in... well, you'll understand when you read the whole thing and you're aware of the many nsfw materials floating around everywhere)

1: Anonymous ETNE

This is the thread where you can enjoy the information, images and videos [Yuuji] uploaded from another world!

Is this really another world? How did he make them?

This is the thread to verify it.

The Goblin and orc village subjugation has begun at last!

But I have a hunch that it's easy victory because they have Kotarou and Alice-chan!

Yahoo~! Garbage will be disinfected~!

For now there's nothing to do if Yuuji doesn't come back!

Ah, reproduction is not allowed okay!?

The NEET posting ]]900 is to open the next thread!

124 : Yuuji

I'm back!

It's been a week I guess

We've got a major event

125 : Anonymous NEET

You're unusually fanned up~

So, 'sup?

126 : Anonymous NEET

This flow

The second time since three years

127 : Anonymous NEET

Old timer discovered!

Get a job NEET

He sheltered Alice-chan since then right!?

128 : Infra worker


You're just as much an oldtimer ain't ya

So what happened?

Or actually, how did the subjugation go?

129 : Yuuji

I'm now in the middle of processing the subjugation video for upload

Everyone is safe!

I found an elf in the forest

130 : Anonymous ETNE


131 : Anonymous MEAT


It's a festival~!!

132 : Anonymous NEET


133 : Anonymous NEET

An elf... you say?

134 : YES Lolita NO Touch


So is that elf a girl?

How old is she?

These are important facts

135 : Anonymous NEET

I knew they have them elves

Well, Alice-chan also

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