Volume 11, Chapter 4: Yuuji, cleaning up afterwards and listening to Kevin

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"Yuuji-nii, are you okay!? Are you okay too, Mr Blaise?"

'Geeze, Yuuji-nii. What are you thinking, rushing out like that!'

Alice and Riese rushed over to Yuuji as they triumphed over the wyvern.

They seemed to have been worried about Yuuji for rushing out of the mystery barrier, not letting the criminal slaves die without helping them.

Yuuji caught the two girls as they leapt in his chest. He had flowers in both hands. A thirty four year old middle aged man was embracing the twelve year old Riese and nine year old Alice. It is concerning.

April 10th was Yuuji's birthday. Yuuji would become thirty four years old. Incidentally, he did celebrate it in particular. Something like the birthday of a middle-aged man was not something to celebrate about in particular. Well, Yuuji just did not tell Alice and Riese about it though.

"Thanks for worrying about me, Alice and Riese. I'm fine and Mr Blaise is also alright"

Yuuji answered the two girls who were in his arms, with a smile. They were winners. But then again, it did not make the huge breast faction's Yuuji's heart even twitch.

"Mr Yuuji! Good grief, what are we going to do if you were to get hurt saving criminal slaves!"

Rushing over late, Kevin admonished Yuuji. However, a smile was shown on his face. A tsundere old man. Disgusting.

"Sorry, my body moved when I realized, so... Ah, that's right Mr Kevin, will we harvest materials from the wyvern? What should we do with its meat?"

"Mr Yuuji... No, it's fine, I'll have Blaise and the others pay attention to you from here on. Let's see, there's various ways to use wyvern hide. It won't be suitable for armor, but they can be used for high-class items like shoes and bags. Naturally, they are popular. Its meat... smells as it is, so if we can extract its blood and get rid of its bad smell, then we can process it into jerky. They don't appear on the market in this country that much, but they say it is a delicacy"

It appears that wyvern leather was popular like crocodile leather on Earth. Nevertheless, why is crocodile leather abnormally expensive? Incomprehensible.

"I see... But we can't bring this to the city, can we? Can we process it here?"

"We will need help, but well, it will work out..."

"Excuse me, Mr Yuuji, Mr Kevin"

Who approached and called out to Yuuji and Kevin, who were talking about how to deal with the wyvern, was the giant woodcutter who was making an effort in the road construction. Beside him was the male apekin.

"There is someone among those guys who said he got experience at a tannery and butcher. If you're fine with it, he would, uhm, help, though... It'll be fine, he can manage edged tools properly and we will stand watch, so that's why, uhm..."

The hairy faced woodcutter made his large built body small and began to talk nervously. Humble.

"Mr Yuuji, there seems to be an experienced person, so how about we let him help? Oh yes, you have inflicted a blow on the wyvern and attracted its attention, so we have to give you some rewards for this. How about some dried meat when they are done? We did let them cooperate in our strategy, didn't we Mr Yuuji?"

Kevin touched on the matter to Yuuji, the person in charge, and showed a smile with his mouth as if he was scheming.


"Eh, but that wasn't our strategy-"

Yuuji tried to say words of denial towards Kevin's pitch.

Kotarou leaped at the insensitive Yuuji and knocked him down. "Wha- hey Kotarou" Kotarou sat on Yuuji's face as he fell on his back and struggled. Kotarou's breasts were touching Yuuji's face. "It's touching, you know' was not what he said. Yuuji was not so far past redemption that he would be happy with a dog's breasts.

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