Interlude Bulletin Board

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Interlude Bulletin Board, Verification Thread's "This and That" First Offline Verification Meeting

【Is it Image Processing】My home went to another world? Verification Thread part 1 【Is it CG?】

1 : Cool NEET

Were the information, photos, and videos that 「1-desu」 uploaded really feom another world? Is it an edited image or CG? This is a thread to verify these theories.

The chat and the latest information from 「1-desu」 is on the previous thread.

It's prohibited to repost.

The previous thread:

【Loner-Neet】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home came to another-worldish place 【Part-2】

The photos and videos that 「1-desu」 uploaded


The next thread will be opened by the one who posts the ]]980.

2 : Verifying Anonymous NEET


Good work

I bestow you the right to go to another world

3 : Cool NEET

Now then,

Since the previous thread had become too rough

I open another, but

4 : Camera Ossan

Well, since I was really curious

I will seriously examine the photos

5 : Verifying Anonymous NEET

Everyone, don't forget

The ultimate goal is to search for methods to go to another world!

6 : Verifying Anonymous NEET


No, that's wrong

It's to uncover the deception and expose it

I so want to go to another world......

7 : Verifying Anonymous NEET

Let's look at the photos a bit

First of all, if the forest and house are composite photos, then

There would be the original photos, right?

8 : Verifying Anonymous NEET

Then I will search for the information on the video

Like insider information about movie in the middle of being shot

9 : Verifying Anonymous NEET

The house is a composite

The goblins are cosplay or CG

If it's real, then he would have taken close-up images

10 : Verifying Anonymous NEET

To even go along with a NEET's lie

You guys must have nothing to do...

11 : Verifying Anonymous NEET


As expected, I cannot help but to say:

You are also one of them!

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