Yuuji, Meeting with People from Another World, Furthermore They are Adventurers

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「It looks like most of the snow has melted. There are also some parts of the garden that are dry from the sun. It's going to spring soon, right Alice?」(Yuuji)

「That's right, spring is coming Yuuji-nii! Nee-nee1, since the garden has become dry, can Alice practice magic outside?」(Alice)

「OK! What do you think Kotarou? Do you want to go to outside together with Alice?」(Yuuji)

Woof! Kotarou barked and followed Alice who was trotting outside from the living room.

"I will look after her." (Kotarou)

Was something that Kotarou wanted to say.

Yuuji entered his room, and checked onthe girl and animal in the garden from the window.

「Alrightttttttttttttt! Finally a chance! Since Alice didn't go the outside, we have been together all the time and Alice sleeps in my room at night.... How many times have I regretted letting Alice sleep in my room because she feel lonely? How many times had I been regretting not buying a laptop? But finally, finally on this day...... Thank you, Mister Sun! Please quickly melt the snow so Alice can go outside without restraint!」(Yuuji)

For some kind of reason, Yuuji made a yowl.

He turned towards the PC excitedly.

「Finally, finally...... Hidden from Alice with a click...... Let's fire up the big tits porn video that I had purchased with the money I got!」(Yuuji)

What a piece of trash.2

Yuuji double clicked the hidden folder.

「Which-one-should-I-watch-first! And. Okay, I choose you!」(Yuuji)

Really, what a piece of trash.

Yuuji double clicked the hidden file.

The entire monitor started to display the video.

「Oh, first is the scene with clothes on, huh? That's fine, that's fine. I won't do any fast forwarding!」(Yuuji)

Yuuji was speaking something inconsequential.

It seems his tension was reaching max.

His chest was filled with expectation.

There was no need to talk about his lower body

「Now, this round starts from the title!」

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【NEET】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 8【Hibernation】3

1 : Anonymous MEAT

This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that 「Yuuji」 has uploaded.

Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this.

The next thread will be set up after this thread reaches ]]950!

167: Yuuji

I want to die

I've had enough with this another world

168: Anonymous NEET


The first time I've personally seen Yuuji post in real time!

169: YES Lolita NO Touch

]]81 Alice-chan has become plumper

170: Anonymous NEET

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