Yuuji, having a talk with the big shot of the adventurer's guild

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The group of Yuuji, Alice, Kotarou, Kevin and the guards were in the parlor that was prepared on the second floor of the adventurer's guild. The middle-aged woman at the reception desk had jumped over Hillary and the counter and led them here.

Of course, even if they had originally come for a commission, it would be normal to finish it at the counter, so being led to the parlor was exceptional. However, hearing the turmoil just now and the words that were the letter from the feudal lord's wife, they seem to have led them to a private room. "I shall now call the guildmaster" were the words the middle-aged woman left upon exiting the room.

Seeing Kevin grinning and showing a full smile, Yuuji called out to him.

"Mr. Kevin......was it on purpose?"

"Eh? Was what on purpose?"

As expected, even Yuuji seemed to have noticed it.

Before long, the door to the room was knocked on. Responding to the voice of Kevin, who said "Please come in", the door opened.

Coming in was an elderly man in his fifties. He must have been an ex-adventurer. He is 1.80m tall and though that is not tall in this world, his body is sturdy enough that you can see even from the clothes worn over it. His hair was a so-called crew cut that is blonde with streaks of grey. The glint in his eyes was sharp. A scar was remaining from one corner of his mouth to his cheeks, possibly being forcibly sewn together. A hero of long military service, whichever way you looked at him.

Yuuji twitched from the excessively fiendish looks.

"I am Salomon, Guild master of this city of Premie. I am sorry for my adventurers here causing trouble to you this time."

Contrary to his appearance, the fierce-looking Guild master bent his body from the first words he spoke.

"No, not at all. Please raise your head Mr. Salomon"

Kevin called out the Guild master in that way. Yeah, Mr. Kevin didn't plan on criticizing him so strongly either right, Yuuji carefreely thought as such. Continuing from the yesterday's feudal lord's mansion, Kevin naturally fitted in the role of negotiator.

"Why, though all things considered...... It's troubling isn't it? To be involved with them when we are here for a commission. Wouldn't it be better to tell the merchant guild or my friend that they are dangerous?"

The guildmaster and Yuuji who was thinking carefreely until just before stiffened. It seemed Kevin was full of intentions to criticize him. Alice tilted her head, her facial expression saying I don't really understand. Kotarou who was sitting on Alice's knees sent her gaze as if trying to say "Right, you're still fine like this, Alice."

"N- no, th- that's...... Uhm, by the way, what sort of commission are you here for?"

The guildmaster was flustered. Which was reasonable. If this matter was brought to the merchant's guild, he would naturally lose their trust. If they came to be unable to trust the adventurer's guild, then they would either entice individually acquainted adventurers to become exclusive, commission adventurers from the royal capital, other cities or mercenary troupe or recruit people who are capable of fighting from anywhere except the adventurer's guild.

To the guildmaster, it would be a crisis where they would lose their regular commissions of peddler escorts or business security. It appeared that his plan was to listen to the contents of their commission first and foremost and then to search for some common ground with them.

"No, today's matter is about the investigation of the great forest. It will be a commission where I want to investigate if there are any goblin or orc settlements northeast of this city. No wait, but shall I commission the royal capital adventurer's guild or shall I search for a mercenary troupe? I may not be able to trust your results either...... Ah, even though I have taken great pains of having the feudal lord's wife and the magistrate shoulder the commission expenses through a joint signature...... If it's no longer required then it would be better to apologize, don't you think?"

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