Yuuji, returning home one step ahead as a pioneer group leader

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"Lord Yuuji, I am very sorry!"

Northern gates of the pioneering city of Premie. There were two men with their knees on the ground and head lowered towards Yuuji.

It was the giant who picked a fight with Yuuji in the adventurer's guild and the apeman tribe man who didn't personally picked a fight but was his companion.

"Ah, eerr. The adventurer's guild can even give out punishment right? If you do it properly then I'll be fine with it, really."

Yuuji who wasn't really harmed gave out a naive response.

It was one week since Yuuji visited a city from another world for the first time.

It seems Yuuji, Alice and Kotarou were on their way home.

"Right, that's what Lord Yuuji said. Work hard, both of you."

The adventurer's guild master Salomon squatted in front of the two on their knees, warped his fiendish looks and threatened them. It was the Yankee squat. The impact of a veteran was enough to make the likes of a yankee run away barefooted.

The punishment for picking a fight with a client possessing a letter from the magistrate and the feudal lord's wife.

The punishment the adventurer's guild passed down to the two was "Construct a road where a cart can pass through from Premie city to the pioneer grounds".

"Now now Mr Salomon, it's fine even if you don't threaten them like that. The person from my firm who will be coming and going and the people of the pioneer group will watch over their work and deliver them food after all. Running away means they won't be able to enter the city either, right?"

Kevin grinningly added some kind words. However the matter he was talking about were the fact that the surveillance system and food provision will pin them down and the information that prevents their escape. It was not kind at all.

"Got it. Well, that's how it's going to be. Aah, don't worry about taxes. I'll be paying it for you."

The guildmaster struck their shoulders with a plop.

That is right.

They will be creating a road where a cart can pass through, through the forest that takes three days by foot of an adult. No matter how one lightly estimates it, it is a large undertaking that requires years.

That said, they picked a fight with a representative of a powerful person in a feudal society. It must have been rather light for a punishment. Well, the other adventurers seems to be seeing it as an "exile from the city of premie". It's arranged so that they can enter the city once the cart passable road is complete. Once it is complete.

"Guilmas, how much can Lord Yuuji fight? It'll look like it will take quite some time if we're going to have to walk through the forest while protecting Lord Yuuji and Miss Alice."

This time the ones accompanying Yuuji was a single adventurer party. They were adventurers in the city of Premie who reached as far as third rank, but they took a member's marriage as an opportunity and decided to retire. Incidentally the party consisted of three men and one woman. One pair became a married couple and one of the remaining two got engaged. The man with the role of a scout was left out, still single.

Their roles were the spade works of the pioneer land. Learning the route, ascertaining the location and clearing the land in advance. Their labor was dependent on how many retired adventurers would undertake it.

"Lord Yuuji is about 7th rank. Even orcs are no problems if it's one on one. As for Alice-chan's guard......"

Kotarou gives the Guildmaster the eye.

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