Chapter 8, Part 6: Yuuji, having a private talk with men

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"Heey, Mr Yuuji~!"

"Ah, Mr Kevin! Welcome back! Hm? Welcome back?"

The season was late summer.

It was a morning when Yuuji was about to take along Alice and Kotarou to depart in order to begin constructing the ditch this day as well.

Kevin seems to have returned, bringing along several unknown people. "No, should I say he came back or he came to the pioneer land?" Yuuji was confused however.

"You could say that couldn't you? This is another base for me after all. I think welcome back is fine"

Kevin responded with a face full of smiles.

The man and woman who were burdened with large luggage withdrew behind him. Apparently they were immigrants who could do sewing.

It was two months since Yuuji and Kevin conversed about clothing in the village. Kevin seems to have brought capable people immediately.

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"Still, it has changed quite a lot while I wasn't looking for a bit hasn't it?"

"Yeah, that's right you know!? We've connected the fence all around!"

At the space in front of the gate of Yuuji's house, where stumps were placed in a somewhat open space and was turned into a simple meeting place, Yuuji and Kevin were deep in talks.

The man and woman who were brought along by Kevin immediately headed to their assigned tent and began unloading their luggage. Kevin employed the two as his company exclusive workers and he seems to be going to have them act as seamstresses and have them assist in farmwork in busy times.

"On top of that, I didn't expect you to have made a watering place and reservoir you know?"

Kevin took a glimpse towards the watering place. Sitting next to Yuuji, Alice went "Uhuh", proudly sticking forward her chest. Kevin immediately noticed her state and admired her, saying "Alice-chan's magic eh? You're amazing aren't you?" Kotarou barked as if to say "Look there Yuuji, follow his example."

"I say Alice's magic is really amazing. Like, when I have her use the earth indenting magic several times, you can make a large hole in the blink of an eye. And then I only had Marcel and Mr Thomas build a place to put the portable water vessel"

Yuuji explained while stroking Alice's head.

"Mr Yuuji... I think if you only indent the earth, then the water will soak into it and it won't become a reservoir you know"

Kevin spoke reasonably.

"Eh?" Yuuji raised a voice of surprise and froze. Alice who was listening to the conversation of the two tilted her head, not understanding it perhaps.

"Eh? But, it's already storing water you know?"

Yuuji and Alice were surprised to Kevin's words and bore doubts. This time, Kevin tilted his head to the side.

"Is that, is that so... It's because it wasn't dug, but it was magic right? Even so..."

Kevin pondered while muttering so.

Kotarou was barking "Bow-wow". "You'll grow bald if you mind the minor details. Isn't it fine to leave it as Alice's magic being amazing?" is what she seemed to be saying. She was a broad minded woman. She, who did not mind the minor details, was bushy. Of course she is. She is a dog.

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The daytime has completely ended and the forest was wrapped in darkness.

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