Chapter 9, Part 12: Yuuji, facing a group of orcs and goblins

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Contains depictions of cruelty


They ran.

Yuuji and Kotarou Ran towards the group of monsters.

"Mr Yuuji! The blinding magic! Ms Kotarou, the goblins around the girl!"

Instructions flew from Kevin's exclusive escort who followed behind Yuuji and Kotarou. Yuuji, who lost his composure, may plunge into the group without a plan. They were instructions with that in mind. His accumulated battle experience weren't just for show.

"Light oh light, emit your radiance! Flash(I'm fine even if I lose my hair, so blind them)!"

Could he be burning in rage?

Yuuji released the light magic with all his might.

Incidentally, he did not pay the price with his hair roots. He had only released it holding this amount of strength in his spirit. Yuuji was in a lineage of white hair.

Matching his incantation, Kotarou and Kevin's exclusive escort shut their eyes.

The heated Yuuji seems to have composure left to not omit the aria and blind his allies. No, his 2nd grade syndrome may just not have disappeared however.

They must have seen Yuuji's group rushing over them.

The two orcs and eight goblins seems to have directly seen the light source, so they were holding their eyes and were in an uproar, going "FUGOFUGO GUGYAGUGYA".


Perhaps it was by coincidence, or perhaps he reacted to the magic.

The orc leader seems to be safe.

"Mr Yuuji, please just think about enduring his attacks!"

Several seconds prior to enemy contact.

Once again instructions were hurled to Yuuji by Kevin's escort following him.

"Roger, Mr Aias!"

Yuuji responded to Kevin's exclusive escort, Aias.

He must have regained his composure somewhat with the monsters being in a state of confusion after he used his magic. He ran towards the monster group, the shield in his left hand set up before his body and his gaze towards the orc leader.

Kotarou, who ran in front of Yuuji, slipped through the sides of the vanguard, which is the orc leader, and headed right after the girl who collapsed on the ground with her eyes closed.

Similar to their usual encounters, the one who raised the beacon of battle was Kotarou.

She leaped at the goblins who had been carrying the girl until now, swinging her nails and baring her fangs.

Three goblins who were around the dropped girl, were blinded and quickly turned powerless without confirming Kotarou with their sights.

And then.

Yuuji faced the Orc leader.

"FUGOOH" the orc leader raised a cry and hit Yuuji with the wooden club he held in his hand.

When they returned to their dwellings triumphantly after obtaining a prey, their village was attacked. Their side seemed to be raging mad as well.

Having received instructions from Kevin's exclusive escort, Yuuji thought only about defense as he dealt with the orc leader's attack.

The shield, which he got brand new from a premie city dwarven store, acted as if the orc leader's attack did nothing.

Of course, it owed to Yuuji's ability, who had been worked hard almost every day by the former third rank adventurers, however.

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