Volume 10, Idle talk 2: Third offline camp, the appointed day part 2

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April 12th.

The day of the third offline camp.

One man, no, username Clothes group member A had come to Sanu outlet mall together with a woman.

In order to have her select some clothes.

In order to have her select a bag and shoes.

The footwear that the man wanted was one from a famous brand in desert boots. He was going to purchase a regular desert boots after all.

He followed the woman's advice, which is that they work with both casual and jackets, and though it is somewhat expensive, one could wear it with relatively no fashion.

After purchasing the boots, the man immediately put it on and went to the next store to purchase the bag and clothes.

The three years old brandless sneakers replaced the purchased desert boots in its box.

Where he went next was a select shop that catered to college students. Here existed select shop outlet stores as well.

Sano wouldn't be far from where you live, Fumiya-kun. If you know the stores, then you won't lose your way when you come here on your own, right? Here you would have the full selection available too. He followed such advice from the woman. Well, the man should not have any objections either however.

"Fumiya-kun, how about it? Can I open it?"

"Ah, Kanako-san. Yes, it's fine now"

"Excuse~ me then. Yup, it's just like I thought! It suits you extremely well, Fumiya-kun!"

What the man caught sight of after coming out of the dressing room was the woman smiling happily from the bottom of her heart seeing his appearance.

Two years ago.

The man freed himself from social withdrawal, wore clothes he had available and purchased clothes.

When the man tried on the full set and opened the curtains, he was greeted with the woman's smile.

Two years ago.

The man thought of that smile as dazzling.

That it was the smile of a person living in a cheerful place.

Whether that smile was for someone like himself.

It was since that time that he began to become curious.

And now.

The man freed himself from social withdrawal, began to move on his own, earned money by working, took care of his clothes and hair, and gained little confidence in himself.

She saw the delightful smile of the woman who helped him.

And now.

The woman selected the man's clothes with the information she studied and her fashion sense she cultivated over a span of ten years.

She saw the slightly bashful smile of the man who gained a little confidence.

It may have been that moment.

That the man woman fell in love.

"How is it, dear customers?"

Well, that magic-like moment was quickly broken by the boorish employee however.

Apparel employees were not all capable people like the woman.

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This is Charlie. Echo, ETNE, how is the target's situation? Over"

"Eh, ah, yeah. This is Echo. The target is... kind of looking happy, over"

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