Chapter 9, Part 13: Yuuji, cleaning up afterwards with the adventurers

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The place that had been a monster village until early morning, the center of that site.

Yuuji, while carrying the girl, linked up with the adventurers starting with guildmaster Salomon.

"Yuuji-nii! You're not hurt right? Are you okay? Is that girl okay too?"

Alice approached the linked up Yuuji as if she was jumping at him, and talked on and on with him.

Kotarou barked *Wan wan* as if to soothe her. We're fine, everyone is safe, is what she seemed to be saying. She was a gentle woman. To her allies that is.

"Alice, we're fine, nobody's hurt" replied Yuuji. It seems he wanted to pat her head, but those hands were blocked.

"Lord Yuuji. I'd like you to let that girl lay down here first"

The guildmaster Solomon said and pointed at the place where to lay down the young girl who Yuuji was carrying like a princess.

When Yuuji looked there, cloaks of the adventurers had been spread there. Yuuji laid down the girl he was carrying. Incidentally, he did not slip his hand and touch various places. Yuuji was a gentleman. Unlike the old scout pervert.

"Mr Yuuji, you did well in the fight there. Even so... master"

Who approached and called out to Yuuji was the former third rank adventurers party leader-turned-pioneer citizen. However, he was hesitating in saying something after seeing the young girl. He seems to be hesitating whether or not to confirm it with guildmaster Salomon.

" ... An elf right?"


As if anticipating it, guildmaster Salomon answered him.

Perhaps having known the reality by putting it into words, the two continued to be troubled.

"An elf! She's an elf like I thought right!? So they really do exist!"

The excited Yuuji's eyes brightened. He could not help it. He was in the presence of a genuine elf. It was a live elf. Could there be a man who could stay calm? No, there could be none. Seeing the pointed ears, Yuuji seems to be thinking, could she be, but his tension after obtaining proof of it went through the roof.

Kotarou barked "Bow" and turned a cold look towards Yuuji. This is not the time for that now don't you think? Is what she seems to be wanting to say.

On the other hand, Alice beside Yuuji went "Waah, it's an elf! It's the elf that I've heard in stories!" and became excited. Was she resembling Yuuji? It was a situation that ought to be feared.

"It's rare to catch sight of them so I understand your feelings too, lord Yuuji, but..."

The guildmaster and former adventurers party leader made a bitter face to Yuuji's group at another place.

"Master, what about in the city?"

"It hasn't changed from when you were there. They don't have elves. I'm happy we managed to rescue her safely, but..."

Guildmaster Salomon exchanged such conversation with the party leader and then breathed a big sigh. He switched his mood and hurled instructions to the gathered adventurers.

"This time, female adventurers have participated in this I guess. Yeah, please keep a close eye on this girl. It should be better than suddenly being surrounded by the filthy faces of us men. The rest of you will be tidying up! Lord Yuuji, I'd like you to act together with the little lady Alice's spellcasting"

Clapping his hands, the guildmaster put the gathered adventurers to work.

The adventurers replied in their own way and disappeared into the former monster village.

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