Stakes are high Water's rough (LietPol)

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**"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine...and life makes love look hard...but they can't take what's ours" ~Ours by Taylor Swift. WARNING for offensive language and touchy subjects. ENJOY! Comment on if you think any of these should be made into full stories~!!**

1). Don't

"Don't." Toris says tightly without turning around, his hands clenched into rather feeble fists at his sides. No matter who or what it had to do with, he was never in his life good at controversy. He liked peace. "Please, Feliks.."

"He's a total douche!" his best friend insists. He's at his heels. "Tori, you and I both know that--I can't believe you still--"

"I said don't!" he finally snaps, but when he looks at his best friend's shocked face, he immediately feels guilty. "I'm sorry," he says softer. "Please, just drop it."

2). You

"You idiot."

Toris looks up from the book he'd been peacefully reading, his dark eyebrows furrowed slightly. Feliks glares down at him, his hands perched on his hips. He can't help but raise an eyebrow. "What...? I-I don't understand...? What've I done?"

"You're like one hundred percent blind! I mean, like what do I have to do?! This?! Will this make you realize?!" Feliks rambles on. He takes Toris' chin in his soft childlike hands and then he kisses him.

3). Worry (mpreg AU)

Feliks leans his head in exhaustion against his partner's chest. "Tori? Are you... worried at all?"

Toris smiles and presses a light kiss to his sweaty temple. "I worry everyday," he admits in his quiet soothing way. "I'm worried right now...but I couldn't be prouder, you know that? Twins..."

Feliks squeezes his hand.

4). Your

"Your best friend's a fucking fag." Natalya says flatly, a sneer twisting her pretty face. In the background, Ivan frowns. Toris feels his icy stomach drop; he feels sick. He wishes he was brave. He wants to scream at her--scream at both of them--defend his best friend! But he can't...he's a coward.

Feliks smiles his bright, lip-gloss smile. "You know what? I am. And I am proud to be one, bitch!" Toris' jaw drops. And then the blonde slaps Natalya in the face.

5). Pretty

"How do I look?"

Toris looks up from his book, taking off his reading glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose before actually looking. And when he does, his face turns pink.

Feliks is in front of him, grinning a stupid grin, his hand perched flirtatiously on his hip. A beautiful--short, tight--dress hangs off of him, a light pink. It ends at the knee.

"P-pretty." he whispers, and Feliks' grin gets broader.

6). Little

"Wish I was like, taller." Feliks huffs, crossing his arms moodily. Toris smiles at his smaller friend sympathetically, resting a hand on his shoulder and sparks jumped from his fingers.

"Why? I wish I was shorter." he shrugs, and Feliks looks at him skeptically. "Besides," Toris adds gently. "You're perfect the way you are."

7). Mind (WW2/concentration camp AU)

"Keep in mind," the soldier snarls. "Any fag behavior and you'll be immediately killed. Both of you, you disgusting mistakes." He spits directly in Feliks' pale face before shoving him and Toris to the ground, away from him. The soldiers kick him halfheartedly and then they leave.

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