I'm here (GerIta)

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Ludwig resisted the urge to facepalm for the fourth time today. And the meeting had just started. ...that was really sad.

Arthur was always the first one here. Alfred was here too, sadly. Francis was creeping slowly in on the former; and Ludwig winced, mentally preparing his headache for the outburst that was sure to come. Just then the door burst open, and Ludwig jumped at the noise.

"Ah, sorry we're late~" Antonio dragged in a pouting Lovino.

"Dude. You're not. You're never late." Alfred said seriously, before grinning at Lovino. "What's up, limp noodle?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Feliciano didn't come with you two?" Ludwig interrupted. Antonio and Alfred tilted their heads, while Lovino slowly turned red.

"You LOST my brother?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!"

Antonio calmly held his screaming friend back. "No, lo siento. Doesn't he usually come with you?"

"...what are you suggesting."

Toni's eyes widened and he laughed nervously, waving a hand. "Nothing! I mean I come with Lovi, so same thing, right?"

"Right." Those two were definitely together. Though they thought they were clever at hiding it, heh...

Wait did that mean he was suggesting something about him and Feliciano...

"I'll just text him to see where he is."

Ludwig Beilshmidt
8:08 am
I'm hre.

Then he put his phone back in his pocket...without seeing the typo.

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