We all wore black (DenNor, Nordics)

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** based off the trailer for "Don't Breathe" (I haven't seen the movie *yet?* because it hasn't come out yet). TW: terror, character death. I regret nothing. DON'T ROB PEOPLE, KIDS! Also please listen to my music up there while you read, guys *innocent emoji smile* it's very relaxing! Comment your favorite song (they're at the top left hand corners!).

Edit: FUCK I just finished "Red Doll" by StrudelMugel on AO3, an amazing murder mystery set in Victorian times and centered around SuFin and the Nordic family, and let's just say something bad happens to Matthias in that too... GO OUT AND READ THAT GUYS! **


When Matthias Kohler said pick out black clothes for the job they were doing, Tino kind of panicked. For one, he had never robbed someone before. At least, not professionally like this. And another thing was that he wasn't entirely sure he had black clothes. Going to his closet, he picked out a black fuzzy sweater, and a pair of black generic sweatpants that his best friend Eduard had left one night. There, that was probably good enough.

Tino arrived at Matthias' car at the aforementioned street. Lukas, Matthias' boyfriend, was sitting shotgun, head propped up in his hands. And Matthias himself was leaning against the side of the car, checking his phone. He looked up, and his lean face split into a large grin.

"Tino! You're here!" He actually hugged him when he got close enough. "Wait...man, what the hell are you wearing?"

Tino looked down at his clothes, and then at his friend's. Matthias was in a plain black hoodie, the hood pulled up and covering his spiky hair. Dirty dark jeans, and when he lifted his foot, boots without any pattern on the bottom. He was definitely more prepared.

"Oh." Tino said flatly, looking sheepish. Matthias laughed more and clapped him on the shoulder.

"It's cool. We're just checking out the house tonight." He said, opening the back door for him to get in. "Besides, Lukie's wearing skinny jeans and Emil's black beanie."

"Matthias!" Lukas snapped from the front seat, twisting to look at him. Then he paused. "Hello, Tino."

Tino smiled at him. He and Lukas had been friends for a long time now, and they were both close. This would make the three of them even closer, if everything went according to plan...

"Seat belts." Matthias ordered from the drivers seat. Both of them obeyed. Without another word, he pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive down the road. Lukas turned on the radio, but none of them spoke.

Tino leaned back in the seat, feeling anxious. They were really doing this, huh? The car ride wasn't even long enough to give him time to collect his thoughts. His thoughts wandered though, and he wondered if Lukas or Matthias were as nervous as he was...

But they couldn't back out now. They all needed the money.

Matthias turned off the radio and cut the engine suddenly. There were only a few street lamps, and the three of them had to strain to see their target. The car was across the street from a very large, if rather plain house. Hard to imagine whoever lived there had nearly a million dollars hidden inside...

"Looks pretty average to me." Tino admitted out loud. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lukas nod.

The back door of the house opened then, and the three of them sat up more. A single man walked out. He was maybe a few years older than Tino, give or take some years: hard jaw, lined face, scruffy blonde hair. He wore glasses. Even beneath a worn t-shirt and jeans, he looked pretty ripped.

Then Tino noticed the cane gripped in his hands.

"Wait... Is he blind?" Lukas spoke Tino's thoughts, voice sharp. "Matthias! We can't rob a blind man!"

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