The McCarthy Trials (RusAme)

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**Told you I'm a slut for Historical Hetalia 😂 requests are always welcome but if you have a time period and characters you especially want to see then let me know**

Alfred F. Jones stood up in the courtroom, his face set. He could do this. Hell, he wasn't just a man -- he was the United States of America! And laws didn't apply to him. Well it wasn't like he was hurting anyone.

"Mr. Jones," Joseph McCarthy started, his face flabby and cold. "This is televised. We have to let you know before we start. Is that understood?"

Alfred nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now we're going to ask you some questions. You're advised to answer all of them, and truthfully. Again, understood?"

"Yes sir." He repeated.

"Are you now or have you ever been a communist?"

"No, sir." Alfred stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned casually against the side of the podium. "I whole-heartedly support President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USA."

"Do you know of any supporters or sympathizers of the communism party?" Joseph McCarthy asked.

"No sir." He didn't think. Didn't let himself think.

The questions went on. For him they weren't so bad. Alfred knew by now that Joseph McCarthy was notorious for ruining people, whether or not they were guilty.

"And Mr. Jones," he said finally, "Last question. What's your relationship with a Mr. Ivan Braginsky?"

That's a good question. Friend? Lover? Rival? Enemy? All of those things at once? If he said that, he'd be in trouble. Ivan Braginsky was the definition of communism. But what...?

"Nothing." He said sharply, ignoring the pounding in his head and clamminess of his hands. "Nothing. I mean I don't know him."

Behind his back he crossed his fingers. It was a lie.

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