You're drunk (PruMano)

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Antonio was an asshole, Lovino Vargas decided a bit hazily as he grabbed his beer again. He had forgotten about their night -- well not so much as forgotten as made other plans. Something about visiting Wino, who was having a rough time with his eyebrows boyfriend.

Like that was a good excuse. Pfft.

So here he was, drinking to forget his asshole of a friend. Completely unreliable.

A girl sat down on a bar stool a little ways away. Girls weren't really his thing, but he was drunk so shut up. He leaned closer to her.

"Ciao, bella," he tried to purr. She raised an eyebrow. "What's a pretty face like that doing here? I like your face and your phone.... That's a nice phone you got there..."

She might've thought he was about to rob her because she walked quickly away to find a different seat.

"Man, you're drunk." A voice said to his right. Lovino turned slightly, looking pissed. Gilbert Beilshmidt was sitting there, eyebrows raised, a beer bottle clutched loosely in his hand.

"Well..." Lovino tried and failed to come up with a good comeback. "Well you're hot so shut up."

"You're gay." Gil rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"So are you." He punched him in the arm, maybe a little harder than necessary. Gilbert didn't have anything to say to that because honestly, he was telling the truth.

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