My butt hurts (GerIta, sort of)

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**College AU-ish**

Ludwig woke up, feeling terrible. His head hurt so much. What had happened last night?! Where was his car? Hell, where was his brother?!

His phone made a ding! noise. He closed his eyes and felt around his nightstand blindly until he grabbed it. Squinting, he held it up close to his eyes, then farther away. Damn his farsightedness! Ludwig fumbled for his spectacles and then he was able to see.

Ludwig's lips twitched up. It was his best friend Feliciano. Feli was a bit...shall we say, enthusiastic. About literally everything. But he was a truly happy person, and friendly to everyone; and Ludwig liked him well enough.

Ludwig!!! U were really drunk last night!!!

Ludwig's lips twitched up. Yes, all I can feel is my head pounding. He wondered how much he actually drank...

What do u remember??

He frowned slightly before slowly, meticulously typing: Nothing. How drunk was I?

My butt hurts :P

He literally dropped his phone. Oh my god, what did I do?! His hands shook. Oh god, oh god, oh god--no no no, was he all right?! What had he done...?!

Oh u just threw a beer on my wall :D my butt hurts cuz i've been sitting a rlly long time!!!

When he read that, Ludwig threw down his phone on the bed and pulled his pillow on top of his face, groaning. He knew he had to get up soon-it was a Saturday, but he still had work. Sometimes he wondered why he was even friends with Feliciano Vargas...!

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