The sleepover (HongIce)

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"I'm like so totally glad Lukas finally agreed to let you spend the night here." Leon said with a huge grin. Emil rolled his eyes slightly as he unpacked his bag.

"The only reason why he did was because I swore to him someone would be supervising us at all times."

Leon paused. "Uh..."

"I know it's not true. But Lukas doesn't have to know that."

"Right!" He grinned again. "And the absolutely best part ever about this is that Yong Soo and Keeks are both out of the house. That means we like, have the room to ourselves!"

Emil stared at him. "Oh. All right."

"Aren't you excited?" Leon jumped up on the bed and posed. "It'll be awesome!"

"I guess." Emil deadpanned, leaning back and playing with the carpet shyly. "Do you want me to sleep in Yong Soo's bed?"

Leon wrinkled his nose. "Who knows what goes on in his bed." He paused. "You can sleep in my bed with me. If you want."

"Okay," Emil said casually. In his mind he may or may not have been screaming. But for good or bad, he wasn't quite sure. I mean he liked Leon... A lot... But still. He just wasn't sure.

"Wanna go get a snack before we get changed?!" Leon said, sitting back up. Emil spared him a very small smile.

"Sure... You don't think Yao would mind, us being up and walking around? He's not asleep yet?"

"'s only like, nine, Emmy."

"Don't call me that." Okay, so maybe Lukas was a little more strict than normal guardians.

"C'mon, loser." He laughed and grabbed him, pulling him out of the room. He probably would have pulled him down the stairs too, if Emil hadn't stopped him.

Their kitchen was neat and tidy for the most part, which Emil thought was surprising. Leon lived with so many people, the majority of them being guys. But Yao was in charge, and he seemed like the clean type of guy.

"So like, what do you want to eat?" Leon chirped. "We can take something upstairs and watch movies!"

Emil tried not to smile but his best friend was pretty cute. "Um, just like something simple would be nice..."

Leon grabbed a bag of Lays© potato chips. They were the original kind. "This good?"

Emil nodded, face expressionless. "Lukas usually just lets me eat butter as a treat."

"...what the actual fuck, Emmy."

Emil shrugged in response. "Does Yao let you guys bring drinks upstairs?"

Leon tossed him a soda. "Duh!"

They went back up the stairs and into Leon's room. Emil glanced at the clock: 10:14 pm.

Leon was setting up a nest on the floor in front of the tv. Food and drinks to one side, and blankets and pillows where their heads would be. He looked up and grinned at Emil.

"C'mon and sit down, silly."

Emil blushed lightly and did as he was told. Leon skooched over to give him more room. He had the box of DVDS on his lap.

"Okay, what do you want to watch now?" Leon said brightly, leaning against Emil ever so slightly. Like, if he hadn't been paying attention he might've not noticed it. "And I swear to god if you say you can pick, Emmy--"

Emil closed his mouth slightly because that was really what he was about to ask. "Uh..." A blush crept up his neck to his cheeks. "What about like... Do you have... Disney or something...?"

"YOU ARE TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS WORLD OH MY GOD." Leon squealed, squeezing the other guy's red cheeks.

"Leon. Leon stop."

Leon pulled out all of his Disney movies. The Lion King, Bambi, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc... Things Emil literally hadn't seen in years. Or at least since the last time he babysat Peter for Tino and Berwald. 

"Can we watch The Incredibles?"

"My like, favorite movie of all time." Leon said. He put the movie in the DVD player.

Emil soon grew comfortable like this. It was different from what he was used to, definitely, but that was sort of a good thing. Especially when Leon's hand drifted down to take his own, very casually. He couldn't look at him, so he just watched the movie.

Some time passed. Emil got really engrossed in the movie. He had seen it countless times before, but still--

The sound made him jump even more than Leon holding his hand.

It was very faint. At first Emil thought he imagined it. But soon there was no mistaking the sound of sex.

Oh fuck no, Yao was still in the house, right? And that meant...

"Um... Leon?"

"Shushy, Em," Leon said, waving his hand at him without even looking. "It's the good part when she finds the kids on the plane oh em gee!"

So Emil sat there trying to be quiet.

"Hngh-- ah--"

"Oh, you're so--"

"Oh! Ah, you-you're inside!"

Emil's face was bright red and he looked at Leon again. Leon just reached out and grabbed another chip, totally oblivious.

"Hey Emmy."

Emil jumped. "What...?"

"If you were like, a superhero," he started. "What sorta power would ya want?"

Oh, good. Something to get his mind off of accidentally hearing his best friend's brother having sex. "Uh... I don't know. Maybe the ability to fly or something I guess..."

Leon stared at him, unimpressed. "Boring."


"Well, I would like, want the power to multiply myself!" Leon said brightly. Oh thank goodness that could never happen, Emil thought. "Or like, flying I guess. Or limb regeneration." He nudged Emil with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Leon, your dick isn't a limb." Emil deadpanned.

"You are like no fun at all. Too much like Lukas." Leon paused. "Don't tell him I said that."

They went back to watching the movie. A few minutes later, Emil heard the soft sound of Leon snoring. The movie was almost over anyway, so he turned it off and laid down next to him.

This was nice. He'd never do something like this with Lukas, if only to get on his nerves. But this? This was actually...

Leon cuddled him in his sleep, before putting his head on his chest. At first Emil flinched from the contact, but he didn't do anything else. So it was okay, and he didn't move.

He fell asleep with his arms wrapped around him loosely.

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