We could get a chill (fem!Rus/Ame)

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** I didn't really write anything specifically for Matt or Al's birthdays because I got caught up in the amazing trash of what is called Free Iwatobi Swim Club. But however I am going to publish all my stuff that has Al in it today!**

"Alfred, you hoser, it's about to storm." Matthew huffed, arms crossed, to his half-brother. "You're going to freeze out here. Come inside and I can make hot chocolate."

Alfred hummed and shook his head. The snow was beautiful, really, and he didn't mind the cold. He hadn't grown up in Canada like Mattie had -- and NYC was cold in the winters, but not like this. "I wanna stay out here for a little bit more, Mattie. I swear to George Washington I won't freeze!"

Matthew sighed. "Surprised you didn't say Hamilton." But he knew it was impossible to argue with him. "Fine. But here." He went in and a moment later he returned with his coat. "Just... Stay on the steps while I make hot chocolate. Okay?"

"Okay, bro!" He said brightly and saluted him. Matthew smiled and rolled his eyes.

Once the door was closed, Alfred was really alone. The lights from the house bathed his back and the snow in a gentle glow. Snow flakes stung his cheeks and nose and eyelashes...

It was so cold...

Suddenly he heard something. So Matthew and his papa Francis lived in the middle of the woods. There was some civilization nearby of course -- it's hard to imagine Francis Bonnefoy roughing it out too much -- but that was at least a ten minute walk. And the noise he heard (footsteps????) was coming from the woods.

Alfred gulped. It was most definitely a ghost.

He was about to fling open the door and scream in a very manly way until he found Matthew and his hot chocolate, when... He saw a woman at the edge of the forest.

She was tall. Man, she coulda been taller than Alfred himself. Her hair was long and wheat blonde. She was dressed in a button down coat, with stockings and mittens.

And Alfred still hadn't ruled out the ghost possibility.

She got closer just enough so he could see her face. Sort of a big nose, but she had large eyes. She looked curiously at him.

"Hey," he called out finally. "Are you okay? What're you doing out here?"

She blinked, silent.

"Do you need help?" Al continued. "Do you understand me even?"

"I am understanding you." The woman said, with an accent thick with tongue. "You know Matthew and Francis?"

He relaxed a little. "Oh, yeah! They're family. Do you know them?"

She shook her head no. Oh. Um okay.

"Do you need help?" Alfred stood up and to his surprise, she didn't back away. "You look cold. Do you wanna come in and drink some hot chocolate with me and my brother?"

Her eyes sort of rolled back in her head and Alfred caught her in his arms just as she collapsed. Her skin was ice cold to the touch.

He wrapped her in his coat and carried her to the couch. Matthew was more than a little surprised to see a strange woman in his home, wrapped in his brother's favorite coat.

"Do you recognize her, Mattie?" Al asked, craning his neck to look at him. "She knew who you and Pops are."

Matthew gave him a weird look. "No, I've never seen her before in my life."

That didn't bother Alfred too much though. He just wrapped the coat more comfortably around her and waited for her to wake up, so he could find out exactly who she was.

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