Dick (America and Canada)

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"Yo, Mattie!" Alfred jumped up on the couch his brother was sitting on. Matthew looked up from video chatting his boyfriend Gilbert.


"Can I borrow your computer for a second? I need to, uh... Check something."

Wow, that doesn't sound suspicious. "Uh, no?" Matt gestured at the computer. On the screen, Gil laughed.
"Believe it or not, I'm actually doing something right now?"

"S'okay if you have to go, Birdie." Gil said. "West needs me to drop him off at his job soon anyway."

"Al's just being an asshole." Matthew muttered. Alfred tried to grab the computer off of his lap.

"This is really important--"

"Hey!" He held onto the computer. "Sorry, Gil--"

"No prob, Birdie. Imma call you back." There was a click, and Gilbert's picture disappeared from the screen.

Matthew glared at his brother.

"What, did I stop you two from like, sexting or something?" Al said, holding his hands out for the computer. Matt blushed but said nothing. He also didn't give it to him.

"Bro, you're just jealous I got a bigger dick."

"Is that why you act like one?"

Alfred opened his mouth to respond before closing it again slowly. Matthew looked smug. Burn...

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