Prussia meets 2p!Canada (PruCan duh)

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**So I did a thing for GerIta where Germany meets 2p!Italy, and let me just say that this is a little bit different. You'll see. I apologize in advance... As always, enjoy friends~!**

"Wakey wakey, Matt," Gilbert said sleepily, his deep voice rumbling pleasantly. "It's time to--" He rolled over in their bed. "Oh. You're already up." He chuckled to himself and, throwing on some pants, he strolled into the kitchen.

Gil crept up behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his face in his back. "Morning.." he mumbled huskily into his shirt. "Pancakes smell good~!" Laughing warmly, he pulled away from Matthew. "Huh. You smell like smoke, Birdie..."

Matthew still had his back turned to him. He was cooking something. He looked taller, his posture straighter: more confident. Gilbert decided he loved it. He hated how Mattie was always doubting himself, always overlooked--this'd help him surely.

"Hey. Don't I get a morning kiss?" Gil grinned lopsidedly.

Matthew turned around, his face cool and expressionless. His normally unruly blonde curls were now pulled back into a tight tiny ponytail. Weirdest of all, his bifocals weren't anywhere in sight.

"" His voice seemed sort of different too, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Gilbert shrugged it off, although he felt a little hurt. Anyway, he started in on his pancakes. "So what's all this?" he said between bites, gesturing at his boyfriend. It was unexpected, yeah, but definitely not unwanted. Hell, he couldn't wait to talk dirty to this new confident Mattie tonight... He smirked. "You finally let Frannie and Alf take you shopp--"

"You know, you're actually quite repulsive."

Gilbert blinked, his fork halfway to his mouth, said mouth hanging open in surprise. And he blinked again. "...sorry, I don't think I heard--"

"No you heard me, Gilbert." Matthew said, sounding horribly casual. Gil flinched at how disgusted his boyfriend sounded when saying his name though. Matt turned away, tucked his stray blonde curl behind his ear like he always did. Familiar hands fiddled with something just out of Gil's sight. "Well you can have sex. You have a body." Matthew continued. "But besides that? I mean after all, we all know you're a devil spawned freak."

Gilbert choked on his pancakes. Matthew went on.

"You're pathetic. Whining and moping on and on about Prussia? We--eh, I get sick of it! But I suppose you can't help it, can you?" He dropped what he was holding in the sink--a kitchen knife--and reached for the water faucet. "Weak, self-centered, annoying, bratty..."

Gil's head clouded. Was...was this real...?!

"...I honestly don't know why I started dating you."

He twisted the faucet and when water came out, the linoleum turned a shiny deep red. He must've cut his hand, Gil thought dimly.

"Mattie--" he choked out, his voice hoarse. "Please--tell me what-what I did to make you hate me--"

Matthew laughed harshly. "Cute. You think you can change."

"Yes. Yes I can! I'll do anything, please!" Gilbert said weakly, standing.

"Anything...there is one thing." Matthew lifted his head up. "I need do I say it, unleash something. In you. Yes." he smiled slightly. "And it'll work easier if you're willing." Another pause. "What do you say? If you do this, I'll forgive you. Forever."

"I'll do it." Gil said immediately. A tiny thought in his head said that this sounded kind of creepy, but he ignored it. "Anything for you, Mattie..."

"Good. Now follow me."

Gilbert nodded, his face extra pale, and grabbing his coat, he followed him blindly out of the apartment.

And he never saw him smirk. He never saw Matthew Williams' eyes flash lilac.

**So if anyone's wondering why Matt (because that is his legit 2p!name) has regular eyes throughout the whole thing until the very end, I'm going with the thing from Supernatural: the demons in that have black eyes, but their eyes can sometimes look like regular eyes too. Does that make sense? ALSO Gil knows nothing about the 2p!world. He has no idea who Matt is, or who any other 2p!people are. And I'm sorry: I was really mean to Gil. Maybe tbc. Comment~! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed!**

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