Feliciano has a good idea (GerIta)

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SanMarinoHetalia for your prompt: Tomato, GerIta. Thanks for the request! **

"I wonder what Lovi and Antonio like so much about tomatoes..." Feliciano wondered out loud. "Lovi is almost obsessed with them."

Ludwig looked up from his paperwork, eyebrows furrowed. "Almost."

Feli laughed and wrapped his arms around his neck from behind him. "Si, darling. I know you don't believe me but he's actually a really nice guy~!"

Ludwig rolled his eyes. "Ja, I know. That doesn't stop him from hating me though."

"He doesn't think you treat me well..." Feli whispered sadly.

"You know there's no one I love more."

Feli nodded. "Si, I know. And there's no one I love more than you." He pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, and Ludwig smiled gently at him.

"I have to finish my work, liebe."

Feli huffed. "You're always working, Lud..." He laid his chin against his shoulder as the other man went back to reading. "Hey, I wonder if I eat a bunch of tomatoes, I'll turn out like Lovi!"

Ludwig rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Dear god, I hope not. One of your dear brother is more than enough."

"...I'm going to go try it!"

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