Visit (England and America and implied FACE)

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"Look," Alfred is saying as he stuffs underwear into a suitcase. "I promise I'll be back to visit you and Frannie and Mattie. I mean, someone has to keep an eye on you guys! And I'll still have to do my laundry and all..."

Arthur's face is white. "Alfred, you're still just a child!"

Alfred puffs his chest out in indignation. "Hey!"

"You know what I mean! You're too young!"

"I'm eighteen, Artie." Alfred says. "I'm actually a legal adult, believe it or not."

"But you're not ready to be on your own--"

"Artie." Alfred sighs and puts down the shirt he was attempting to fold, back into the suitcase. "I'm sorry, I really am. But you can't honestly expect me to live here my whole life. I'm an adult now. I wanna be treated like one. I want my independence!"

The blow hits Arthur harder than it should, honestly.

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