I'm being serious! (RusAme)

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Alfred leaned back against his boyfriend, staring up at him. His sock feet were propped up on the couch. "So listen, what if--"

"No." Ivan said flatly.

Alfred pouted and poked him in the belly. "C'mon I'm being totally serious right now!"


"Vanya." Alfred sat up and looked at him in the eye. "I'm being serious. Hear me out, dude."

Ivan didn't say anything to that. The tips of his ears blushed pleasantly at the use of his nickname though. And Alfred found it adorable.

"Okay so you know how there's anti-gravity in space?"

"Yes?" They were both huge space dorks so of course he knew that. Alfred knew he knew that.

"Okay but like, how does the dirty dirty work up in space because wouldn't the lube and the other liquid-y stuff just float aw--"

"No." Ivan grabbed a pillow and calmly placed it on his face, effectively stopping his talking.

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