That one season (UsUk with Canada)

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Matthew looked out the window. The sun was just starting to set, glowing red off the trees. Heaps of leaves lay at their feet, and he felt utterly at peace watching all of this.

"Nice, isn't it?" Arthur Kirkland said behind him. "Autumn is my favorite season. The only one where admiring the beauty in dying things isn't frowned upon."

"..." Matthew scooted away from him.

Arthur's face split into a smile. "I'm just pulling your leg, Matthew. Relax."

"Or necrophilia!" Alfred added, literally popping up next to Arthur. Matthew jumped.

"Alfred. We don't talk about that."

"Geez, dude." Alfred pouted. "You're no fun. I just wanted to add to you and Mattie's conversation about Fall!"

"Uh, you mean Autumn."

"Hey," Matthew interrupted, though he wasn't sure if they heard him. "Why do you guys call it different names...? I've always wondered that."

"Well." Arthur said proudly, puffing up his chest. "The British call it Autumn because it's derived from the French word 'autompne ' and the Latin word 'autumnus'."


Matthew and Arthur sighed deeply.

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