Stupid older brother... (Germany and Prussia)

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** from this one awesome (no pun intended... You know cuz it's Prussia... No okay) person's tumblr, based off the comic. Trans ftm!Prussia, don't like don't read**

Ludwig and Gilbert were walking down the main part of the mall, and Ludwig was only half-listening to what his brother was saying. Instead, he was watching him. Ludwig might be younger but that didn't mean he didn't worry... Long story.

"WEST WEST LOOK WE GOTTA GO IN THERE!" Gilbert pointed excitedly to one of the stores. Comic books. Nerd. Ludwig sighed but nodded.

"Ja, but if you want to buy anything then it's out of your own money."

Gilbert nodded and ran in excitedly. Ludwig followed slower, looking around. He'd never admit this but okay, maybe he was a little curious. Japanese picture books weren't really his style, and maybe he could buy, his friend Feli something here.

Completely platonic. Friend. See? Just friend. Besides, he doubted they had any snazzy cook books here (*read: he doubted he liked him back*).

"Hey, Ludwig!"

He straightened up quickly. Don't ask why he was looking at the yaoi section. ...he didn't know what it was and was curious. Sure.

"Oh, hallo." He said offhandedly, smoothing his hair back. An old friend smirked.

"Like the books here?"

"No comment." Play it smooth, no one saw anything...

"Hey, who's that?" His friend said, pointing somewhere behind him. Ludwig turned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, that's just my sis--"


"--stupid brother Gilbert."

In the background, Gil gasped dramatically, holding a comic book. But on the inside he grinned. Ludwig remembered.

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