Louise is hot (Fem!Germany and Prussia)

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"Faster!" Louise barked at her companions as they continued to run laps around the small enclosure. "You need to run more! Arthur Kirkland would've already caught you like this!" As Sakura and Isabella got out of earshot, she sighed and rubbed her temples. It was going to be a long day...

"Hey, West!" Her older brother Gilbert said brightly, coming over to stand by her. "How's it going with the little brats?"

"W-what-- they're not brats!" She said defensively. "And fine, danke. I think we're making the needed progress." Lies.

"Mm." Her brother looked smug, like he could tell 100% that she really was lying. "Hey, Lou."

She paused and looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. "Bruder, go back to whatever you were doing before this. You know I have to do this."

"I was just going to say it's like, sixty nine degrees outside and you're in a frickin' coat. You're gonna give yourself heat stroke or something."

Hm, he did have a point. She nodded. "Ja, danke, bruder." Slowly, she started to take off her coat.

Her black sports bra was sticking to her with sweat. It was, after all, extremely hot. Maybe not as much as he said it was -- she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Anyway, Louise turned back to see her friends starting to come back around the track--


She jumped wildly. "Gilbert--?!"

He was pushing the coat back onto her, his face bright red. "Just--put it on, Lou! Put it back on!"

"Ah--" she grimaced as the scratchy fabric rubbed against her skin. It was going to leave embarrassing sweat marks. "Gilbert, it's hot--"

"Don't say stupid stuff like that! Geez!" He stormed away, face still red. She sighed and removed the coat again when he was out of sight. She loved her brother, of course, even if he was a bit immature-- but he was a man, after all. She couldn't hold that against him.

Folding it under her arm, Louise turned forward again. As long as Gilbert wasn't here, nothing could stop her from being practical--

"Ve~ Louise!" Isabella Vargas jumped on her and clung to her, nuzzling the hollow in her neck. "I ran really fast! Did you see me? I'm hungry, and so is Sakura! Can we take a break for lunch?"

It was Louise Beilshmidt's turn to blush heavily, though she tried her hardest not to. It was something about her best friend that never failed to make her blush...

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