How is Toris going to die? (LietPol)

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**please listen to the song too, it's very inspiring**

Toris was distracted as he was playing chess with Feliks. He just had way too much on his mind right now. And while he loved him, he couldn't stop thinking about one thing...

I wonder how I'm going to die.

Will I be shot and murdered, because someone is jealous of my gigantic penis?

Or will I get in a car crash, because I'm distracted by my gigantic penis?

Maybe I'll die of old age...

"I have a gigantic penis."

Feliks stared at him. "..."

Toris froze. "...did I just say that out loud...?!"

Feliks smirked at the look on his face. "Yup."

Toris flushed and moved his chess piece. But he didn't take it back because hey, it was true. And Feliks also didn't deny it. He knew it too.

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