Breakfast in bed (FrUK)

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Prompt: Imagine Person A of your otp bringing Person B a terrible breakfast in bed and Person B eating it because they just appreciate them that much.

Arthur knocked lightly on the bedroom door, before opening it with his knee. He almost didn't want to wake him up. Francis was beautiful, even in his sleep.

But he stirred as soon as he heard the door open, slowly rubbing sleep from his eyes. He was cute like that too, Arthur decided. Not that he would ever admit any of this out loud of course.

"Arthur? Mon cher, what are you doing up so early? It's Saturday, remember?" He said, sitting up against the pillows. Arthur planted a kiss to his forehead, which shut him up pretty quickly.

"I just woke up to make my favorite husband in the world a nice breakfast."

Oh hell no. And he was actually expected to eat this food... Arthur's cooking was...oh god, it was weird.

"I hope I'm your only husband." Francis said drily. But he took the dish of food. Toast that was only a little black at the edges, covered in an odd green paste. It couldn't be jam.

"You know what I mean." Arthur rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Mm, of course I do." Francis swallowed nervously, but he knew what he had to do. Remember him fondly. "Merci, Arthur." And then he bit into it.

It tasted like eggs, and something else he couldn't -- didn't want to -- identify. What the hell...?!

But he smiled and finished it gracefully. And then he pressed a kiss to his cheek, returned the one Arthur had given him earlier.

Arthur curled back up in bed next to him, his head on his chest. "Thank you. I know you're sort of iffy about my cooking -- but I have no idea why, honestly. But I needed that."

Francis hummed in response and ran his hands through his hair.

"I came in late last night." Arthur sighed, sounding dejected. "It was a bad night for me. So thank you, love."

And Francis was even more grateful that he had just eaten it without any complaints this time. Sometimes you really should just trust your gut.

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