Vow to never have Kids

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"Come on my children it's time for your destiny." My father Ben spoke as my brother Jacob and I walked through the woods stopping in the middle of a clearing. Today is the day we turned 22. Ever since we were kids our parents have said we had a destiny to one day lead our witch Coven. Jacob's blonde hair blows in front of his face as we now face each other. He is slightly taller than me. My mother Eliza stands by my father. She crossed her arms over her chest walking up to me slowly.

"Don't be afraid honey. This is what you're born to do." She tucks hair behind my ear. My back stiffening at the thought if she's telling the truth. The thing about my brother and I is that we are twins. But witches without our own magic. Our mother calls it siphoning. Glancing over my shoulder to Jacob I gulped heavily, putting my hands in his starting the chant we were taught recently. The wind started picking up as I stare up to the sky. The moon moved out from hiding by the clouds glowing down at our current spot.

Jacob squeezes my hands sensing my nerves like always. "Eyes on me. Twins together forever." I sniffed through tears at our little vow to each other. I feel the magic from inside me disappear and some new coming to me meaning it had to be Jacob's. My eyes turn white at the same time as Jacob's. The leaves spin around us as the wind is much faster until we reached the end of the spell. Jacob and I get thrown backwards where I grunted immediately passing out for a little while.

"Jacob!" I suddenly gasped shooting up in a sitting position. My heart beating quick as my eyes flickered around the forest landing on my twin brother laying on his back. Rushing to my feet I dropped on my knees shaking him lightly trying to wake him up. "Jacob, Jacob. Come on wake up. Please wake up, Jacob." My father stepped up placing a hand on my shoulder making me whip my head up starting to cry. "Why - why won't he wake up dad - what's going on?"

Instead of responding he bends down removing the gemstone necklace from around his neck that he always wore, placing it in my hand. "You have won the Merge, Raelyn."

He walked away as I felt tears falling down my face not understanding any of this. "Tardus pulsatio, Tardus pulsatio, Tardus pulsatio!" I press my hands onto Jacob's chest chanting in an attempt to bring him back. My mother suddenly walked up trying to pull me away from him where I screamed. She keeps pulling as I am sobbing uncontrollably now feeling his presence inside me. "He can't die, mother...He's my brother, my twin...I won't lose him!" Suddenly I winced feeling my mother draw magic from me, yanking me away from my brother and locking his body in a boundary spell so when I ran up I smacked a wall.

"You're father threatened that if I told you two the truth that he would force you to do the Merge earlier. I'm sorry sorry Raelyn." Mother threw her arms down at her sides choking through tears at her lost son.

Stomping my boots in the dirt I started crying more out of such confusion. "Why would he - what the hell is the Merge, mother!"

She frustratedly runs her fingers through her hair, throwing her head back in agony. "It's a ritual that happens to twins born into our Coven. Since you and Jacob just turned 22 today that is the year to have the Merge...it's where you combine your strengths together...there can only be one winner."

Swaying on my feet I feel light headed where I might throw up or pass out again at the horror. My mother tried to come towards me but I clutched the necklace of my twin in my hands turning my hand red drawing the magic into myself. "Evanesco." Before her eyes my whole body disappeared like I was invisible giving me the chance to run from her. The wind blows through my hair as my legs just keep running until I collapse against a tree seeing the open road.

Waving my hands back and forth I luckily get someone to stop, rolling down their window I see a young boy with blonde hair and a kind smile. "Hey miss, do you need a lift?"

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