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"would you like to hold him?" patricia asked me, i nod, "take off your shirt my love, it's special to have your first hold be skin to skin" y/n said.

i smirk at her while shaking my head, knowing her alterer motives.

patricia placed y/n and i's baby boy on my chest, he was so tiny, i start crying almost immediately, he was perfect.

"he's got your hair" y/n smiled, he did, he had tiny swirls of blonde hair, that would explain why y/n got such bad heartburn.

she was exhausted, her eyes would flutter open and shut constantly.

"he hasn't opened his eyes yet, i wonder if they'll be your blue" she said, "i honestly don't care what they look like, he's so gorgeous already darling" i say softly, trying to not disturb the baby.

"scorpius" i coo, twirling his hair around my finger gently, a little noise left his mouth as he moved about in my arms to get more comfortable.

"can i take a nap?" she asked, "of course baby, you've just given birth, i'll look after scorp" i say, she smiled slightly and slid down on the bed, fluttering her eyes shut.

"you gave mummy some troubles didn't you?" i whisper, scorpius raised his little hand and i put out a finger, to which he wrapped his hand around.

the love i felt towards my boy already was unreal, "i'm gonna be the best dad i can be for you" i tell him.

he had already gotten all of his checks, his weight, length, he was completely healthy which was such a relief.

he moved his mouth over to my nipple, expecting milk, "you're not going to get anything from there scorp" i laugh, moving his little head away, making him whine a bit.

"awh i'm sorry little dude" i pout, bouncing him gently in my arms.

"everyone's so excited to meet you" i smile, no one knew he was born yet, only y/n and i.

i look closely at my child in my arms and smile, i was so proud of y/n, she gave me a chance to be a father and now, our baby is perfect.

y/n had been given loads of stitching, she had quite badly torn, so she was pumped up with painkillers.

scorpius was a big boy, he was 8 lb 1. no wonder y/n's stomach had been so big.

considering the fact he was a big baby, he was still tiny.

he started whining more and more, and began fidgeting around in my arms while opening and closing his mouth, "you're hungry aren't you..?" i sigh, not wanting to have to wake y/n up, but i couldn't feed him on my own.

i stand up with scorp still in my arms and walk towards y/n's bed, "wake up my love" i say softly.

her eyes open and flutter closed again, "i know baby, as soon as we get home we can use the pump so i can feed him, but he's hungry the now" i say, she nods and sits up.

i rub her back in circles, i felt so bad for her. "i feel like i'm being a bad mum already, falling asleep when he needs fed" she sighed, taking him off me and letting him nurse.

a sex therapists assistant ~ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now