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i anxiously look down at my watch, there was two minutes until the next appointment and y/n wasn't here yet, i had no clue why she wasn't.

knock knock.

the door opened and it was blaise, "have you seen y/n?!" i ask, he shakes his head, "but i have seen your next appointment, they're probably in the lift right now" he says.

i sit myself back down and sigh, pulling out my phone to try and phone her, but i raise an eyebrow, "what's up?" blaise asked, sitting on the couch, "my dads sent me two photos" i say.

hesitantly, i open the messages and i immediately feel the need to throw up, my heart rate sped up to the point of my apple watch telling me to take deep breaths.

"fuck!" i scream, i had only seen the first photo but it was enough to set me off, y/n sat tied to a chair, with no top on. "mate are you okay?" blaise asks, i started to shake, "no, not at all" i say, sliding on to the next photo, this one was worse.

she was still on the chair, this time fully naked, on her breast was a cut, and the same cut was on her thigh, only deeper there.

i feel nauseous at what i seen, a mixture of what looked like someone's orgasm and blood seeping out from between her legs, "why did i leave the house without her!" i yell, chucking my phone against the wall, the photo landed facing the ceiling.

"yo what the fuck!" blaise yelled, seeing the photo, "can you please take this appointment?" i sob, he nods and stands up, leans over the desk and hugs me, "she's gonna be okay she's so strong draco" he told me, i nod, i needed her to be okay.

i quickly go out of the office, "oh mr malfoy- has the appointment been cancelled?" they asked, "something really important has come up, blaise zabini will be taking it, i apologise" i quickly say, getting into the lift and heading down.

"fucking hurry up" i mutter, watching the little screen projecting what floor i was at.

eventually i got to the ground floor, and i almost run out of the building, straight to my car. i couldn't drive yet, my body refused. i slouched down in my chair and began bawling my eyes out.

"i'm- so so fuck- fucking sorry baby" i cry out, it was my fault, if i would have been in the house, this wouldn't have happened.

i hear tapping on my window, i wipe my tears and turn to the side, pansy was stood at the car, i roll down the window, "are you alright draco?" she asked, i shake my head.

"if you're looking for blaise, he's taking one of my appointments right now" i sniff, "blaise can wait, you quite clearly can't" she spoke, i sigh, "from what i took, y/n has been kidnapped by my dad" i say, her eyes widen.

"is she okay?!" pansy asked, becoming frantic, i shrug, "i don't know, that's why blaise has my appointment, i need to go find her" i say, she nods, "fucking hell... i'll go in and get blaise, good luck on getting her, i hope she's okay oh my god" she said, she was also shaking.

she walked away and i finally started driving, i knew exactly where they were, my dads house, i recognised the basement.

the drive was decently short in reality, but it felt like it lasted a lifetime, i needed to get her back.

a sex therapists assistant ~ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now