𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢-

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draco slid off my t-shirt and shorts as well as my bra, and helped me slide on the hospital gown.

he sat on the bed beside me and took his hand in mine, "we have a while before the midwife can get here, she's tending to another patient" he told me.

"what about nova? does mum know she has to stay with her for another night or two?" i ask, he nods, "yes my love, she's more than happy to take her, she's still small enough to be a lap dog for now so mum doesn't mind" he said.

i was hooked up to wires everywhere, several for me and a few for the baby.

"i feel bad, we've been leaving nova with mum the past while now.." i whisper, "my love don't worry we were visiting her everyday, you weren't up for a puppy running around constantly" he said.

i sat up in the bed and rocked myself back and forth, trying to ease some pain, "aw baby, let me help" draco said, coming over and rubbing my back, back massages were my new favourite thing.

patricia, our midwife, walked into the room and smiled, "how are you feeling flower?" she asked, "not great, my contractions are really strong" i say, leaning onto dracos chest, who simply took my hands in his and kissed the top of my head.

"you're doing amazingly, your contractions are going off the graph every so often" patricia said, i sigh, "baby's still moving during them too, so he's comfortable" she adds on.

"can i check how far along you are?" she asked, "yeah" i reply, draco moved from behind me and stood by my side.

"put your feet apart for me" she said, i was taking deep breaths the whole time, my back was absolute agony.

"well you're only two centimetres so far, which is quite quick considering when your waters broke.. would you like any more pain relief? i can offer you laughing gas or an epidural?" she asks, "could i get laughing gas, i'm not wanting an epidural just yet" i say.

she nods and leaves the room again, "a fifth of the way there" draco says, i giggle, "yeah, then i'm gonna have to push a whole human out, fuck my life" i scoff, "you're going to do great, then, we get to meet our baby boy for real!" he exclaimed.

i smile at how eager he was to meet the baby, that gave me the will to keep strong and get through this final afternoon being pregnant.

"i'm hungry" i tell him, "what do you want?" he said, grabbing the back with snacks in it. "can i get the pringles?" i ask, he nods and hands me them.

"thank you baby" i smile, opening up the can, "it's a clear day, we'll be able to see the stars later on" draco said, looking out the window, i nod, "you can teach our baby all about the stars" i say happily.

patricia came back in and sat the canister of gas beside my bed, putting the mask up next to me, "thank you so much" i sigh, bringing it up to my face.

"it's not a problem, i just want you to feel as comfortable as you can, i know how bad this can feel, i have three of my own" she smiled, "this is our first, well it's my first anyway" i tease, raising an eyebrow at draco.

"please, it's my first too y/n" he chuckled, "i need to go check on someone really quick, press the button if you need me" patricia said, making her leave.

a sex therapists assistant ~ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now