Chapter 42

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Nathan's p.o.v:

The cops said there is nothing they can do for now until it's 48hrs and I have also called Harley and Lisa and they said they haven't seen her today.

I seriously don't know what to do I said as Allen and I returned to my place. Just take it easy, it's already 10pm. Let's just wait here for her this night, maybe she got caught up somewhere or she lost her phone or something.

Let's wait till tomorrow morning and if we don't see her, we will figure out what else to do Allen said while sitting on the couch as I did same.

I could barely sleep all night as I was so worried about her and I don't even know her state.

Allen I think we should go back to the restaurant where she met up with Maria yesterday, I just remembered she sent me the address I said after waking Allen up.

Oh you are right, everything changed after she met up with Maria but it's just 5:45am, it's too early. The restaurant won't be opened yet, we have to wait till like 8:00am Allen said.

Yeah you are right, okay then you can go back to sleep I said leaving the guest room and returning back to my room.

I am going to kill Maria with my bare hands if she has a hand in Knox disappearance. Oh my God, how am I going to save her when I don't even know where she is I thought as I dressed up desperately waiting for 8:00am so I can dash out and keep looking for her.

As soon as it was 8:00am Allen and I dashed out as Allen drove us to rumours restaurant. That's a weird name for a restaurant but I don't care all I care about is the whereabouts of my fiancee.

Hey Nate that's your car Allen said pointing to my Benz at the restaurants parking lot when we got out of the car. Yes you're right, Knox prefers going out with my Benz and the plate number carries grey 4. If the car is still here that means she never left here right I asked Allen.

Yes that's true let's go inside he said scurrying to the entrance of the restaurant.

Getting inside the restaurant was fairly occupied but none of them was Knox or Maria a we made our way to the counter.

Welcome sir, what can I offer going the lady enquired politely.

We need to speak to your manager now I said as a matter of urgency. OK sir have a sit whilst I call him she said as she picked up the phone.

After a minute or so, she called is and asked us to go in showing us the way to the office.

Morning sir, I am Nathan Grey and here is my friend Allen. We are here because my fiancee was here yesterday to meet us with a lady around 11am or so and I haven't seen here since then and her car is still at the parking lot, I will appreciate it if you can show us the CCTV cameras so we can see when and bow she left.

I am sorry sir, we didn't notice anything weird or unusual yesterday but just give me a minute to pull up the video he said whilst operating his laptop.

There you go, this is from 11am so look though it and see if you can fine anything the manager said passing is a laptop.

We started looking two minutes past eleven, Maria came in with two guys in suit. She sat at a different place from the guys and we started forwarding a bit till 11:45am when Knox came in looking sheen as usual.

Here she is Allen said pointing at the screen like I wasn't seeing what he was seeing as we watched Knox pause at the door way looking around the restaurant before making her way to where Maria was Seated and they started talking the moment she sat down.

We kept on watching and forwarding till we noticed a place where Maria looked upset as she signaled to the two guys she came in with earlier. The two guys stood by her side with Knox in the middle and one of the guys, the knee on the right showed Knox something in his suit and I'm tempted to think it's a gun but Knox showed no fear so I don't think so then Maria said something to her and they all stood up and left the restaurant.

Manager, we have who we are looking for and she just left the restaurant with some people can you pull up the cameras from outside or the parking lot I enquired pushing the laptop to him.

Sure let me check, there you go he said pushing the laptop back to us.

No wonder her car is still at the parking lot she was forced into their car at gun point I said looking at Allen as he looks spooked of what he just saw.

Can we get a copy of the video so we can share it to the police Allen asked the manager.

Of course the manager said moving around his office trying to get it ready. There you go sir, I hope everything works out fine and you find the young lady and if you need any other thing I'll be here he said as he handed me the footage.

We went to the police station after the restaurant and handed them the footage to prove to them that it was a case of kidnap.

OK guys you can go home, we will start working on it and if anything comes up we will let you know the officer said after watching the footage.

What do we do now I asked Allen when we got out of the station. Let's go to the office and hope that the police will vet and revert back to us soon. I think that's the only thing we can do at this point he said as we ambled towards where we parked.

I couldn't even do any work since we arrived at the office, I have been worried sick thinking of where know is at the moment and what they are doing to her or why Maria took her in the first place.

What exactly is her motive and what does she stand to gain. Is she planning on demanding for ransom or what, I am so flustered and I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

What if they hurt her, and what if I never get to see her again but what will Maria gain from that. Surely she doesn't think I'll marry her in the absence of Knox does she because that can only take place in my dreams I thought as I paced around my office till Allen came in.

Any news I asked him as he walked towards me. Take it easy man, everything will be sorted out. There's no news yet but I was thinking that in lieu of relying on the police 100%, I think it will be safe to hire a private investigator.

Yes I think that's a sage idea but do you know anyone I asked as I went back to my chair.

No I don't but I will ask some people to link me up.

Thanks man, I really appreciate you I said feeling relieved as we closed for the day.

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