Chapter 20

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Nathan's p.o.v:

I can't believe Maxwell actually bought all this, but why wouldn't he buy it when Knox is a natural, seriously this girl is a blessing. She made everything feel so real... So much so that I am almost convinced I have a fiancee. I  must say she's fucking beautiful and when I picked her up this evening I had the chance to look at her very well.

She has long blonde hair with her soulful brown eyes and her pointed nose and small lips. And when she smiles she looks so cute with her petite and cute body structure with her figure eight shape.

When I saw her this evening in that dress I bought her... She was fire, as in 10 over 10. Fucking beautiful and sexy.

When Maxwell left I decided we stay back for a while, anything just to spend more time with her.

Thanks so much for making tonight a success. Come on Nate, you don't have to thank me its my pleasure she said with a beautiful smile.

Do you need to go home now or can we go and celebrate with Allen? Yeah we should celebrate she said and with that we left with Allen to a nice bar and had fun.

We started drinking the we danced. Well truthfully they danced cause I can't dance even to save my life, I have two fucking left feet.

I was seated while I watched Knox and Allen dance, she's a pretty good dancer. And she looked so happy and smiling from ear to ear.

Overall, it was a fun filled night and I think it's time for me to take Knox home cause she's so drunk and could barely stand.

I managed to put her in my car while Allen took uber, there is no way I'm allowing him drive in that state.

You are so handsome and sexy... I love your beautiful smirk and the way you swear she slurred. I like you but sometimes you are rude Knox said drunkenly during the drive home before drifting off to sleep.

I don't think she meant all she said, she's just drunk plus I'm not rude I thought as I parked the car and helped her out of the car and took her to her door.

I'm so sorry I brought her home drunk I said to her friend that opened the door. It's OK, can you help me take her to her room she requested while opening the door widely.

I took her to her room and laid her on her bed then removed her shoes  before I left.

Thanks for bringing her home Harley said just as I was leaving. It's my pleasure I said as I left their place and headed home.

The moment I got into the house, I collapsed on the couch I couldn't even make it upstairs. Today was a long and exciting day, it's been a while I had such a fun filled day, I was almost dozing off when I remembered I haven't called Allen to be sure he's home. He picked up after the third ring.

Me: hey buddy you home?

Allen: yeah but I'm so fucked up from all that drinking, talk to you later he said before hanging up.

Yeah he's right on that one, that was too much drinking for one night.

I didn't even realize I slept in the living room on my couch, until I woke up this morning with a creek in my neck. Yeah my sleeping position was definitely not comfortable. I checked the time and realized it was 10:45 AM, damn that's a lot of sleep.

I picked up my shoes and my suit jacket before going upstairs to my bedroom, after bathing and changing to sweatpants I started looking for my phone I need to order something to eat. I cook sometimes, actually I'm a very cook but I'm not just all that crazy about it plus I'm not in the mood for my cooking today.

I finally found my phone stuck in between the couch I slept on last night. I'm feeling like pizza today I thought as I ordered it while heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I should call Knox and check up on her, she was a mess last night when I dropped her off. It's already 12:15 PM she should be up by now I thought as I started dialing her number.

Knox: hey Nate, thanks for bringing me home yesterday did I embarrass myself?

Me: no you didn't, I just wanted to check if your okay.

Knox: apart from the bad headache I woke up with, I'm fine. So how are you and Allen?

Me: I'm fine, I haven't heard from Allen this morning but I am sure he is fine. Okay since you are good, I will let you go now, I have someone at my door. Take care

It was my pizza delivery, I collected it and went to the living room and started eating. When I finished eating, I picked up my laptop and started doing some work and I also have to prepare the contract deeds for Maxwell, he will be at my office tomorrow to sign the papers.

Later that evening Allen came over, I think Knox likes you he said out of the blues. Come on Allen, where did you get that from? Don't you see how she looks at you and how she was all over you at the bar. Yes she was all over me but that's because she was drunk.

No, drinks aside she really likes you and didn't you notice how she did the whole fiancee thing perfectly with her holding and pecking you every chance she gets. In my opinion I'll say she did more than necessary  and that's only because she likes you beyond client status Allen said.

Well I don't see it that way and even if it's true so what?  Nothing can happen between us. Don't get me wrong she's a beautiful and smart lady but I don't like her job. Really? But the job just helped you close a deal he said factually.

Yes I know and I appreciate it but that job doesn't speak well of her. For me I'd say she's into classic and modernized prostitution. Don't judge a book by its cover he said,  well this particular book has a pretty dingy cover, the cover is discouraging I don't want to read any part of it not even the intro.

That's sad cause I think she's an amazing young lady he said while grabbing a drink from the fridge.

Allen and I ended up at the bar and we had a couple of drinks. There are a lot of ladies here I told Allen, I usually pick girls every now and then but I don't date. I guess I haven't really seen any lady that's date worthy yet.

We do have fun but not in my house, I have a room that is being reserved for me at my hotel. I can't afford to take all these girls to my house, my house is my place of sanctuary it's a sacred place. The only person that is allowed there is my best friend Allen, I thought as I looked around the bar.

I have a few things at my hotel room, sometimes I dress up for work from there, just like now if I end up going to the hotel with any lady then I'll have to dress up for work there seeing as today is Sunday.

Do you like that one Allen asked gesturing to a lady with jet black hair. She's okay I said with a shrug. I like the lady sitting with her he said. Then let's go over there he said as I picked up my glass of whiskey, are these seats taken i asked pointing to the two empty seats.

No, the blonde said with a smile. That's good to know Allen said before seating. We chatted for a while before we decided to call it a day, the jet black haired girl told me her name but I can't remember... Her name doesn't count, what counts here is her fucking performance at the hotel room.

Author's Note:

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Much love 😘😘

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