Chapter 43

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Nathan's p.o.v:

Now that the private investigator doesn't want to get directly involved in this case because the police are already handling it, that means it is left to us to plant the tracker he gave to us on her.

It's going to be difficult to plant the tracker on her but I think you should call her and try to convince her to come to the office then you will distract her any way you can while I will try to sneak in the tracker Allen said.

Yeah you are right, that's the best option we have and when we know her location, we can inform the cops about it.

I would have said we should follow her when she leaves here but we already know she's smarter than that, so it's better we track her movements I said while picking up my phone and dailing her stupid number.

Maria: Why are you calling me

Me: I want to see you so we can settle this rift between us.

Maria: Why now and your fiancee said she doesn't want to see me around you.

Me: Why not now, I thought about it and you were good to me once so it's only reasonable to settle with you so forget about her.

Maria: Fine, I will be there by 12pm.

Me: See you soon, bye.

She will be here by 12pm I said to Allen after dropping the damn call. That's good, all you need to do is keep her distracted enough for me to put the tracker somewhere Allen said.

Go and get the tracker ready and make sure it's working while I wait for her.

She got to my office before Allen returned and I am feeling it could be an advantage seeing as she dropped her hand bag on the spare chair and when Allen came in, he lifted the bag... Sat on the chair and left the bag on his lap with his hands on the desk in plain sight.

So tell me exactly what you want, so that we can put an end to everything I asked looking her in the eye as I engaged her in a conversation to take away her mind from Allen.

All I want is for you to marry me, nothing more she said. But I thought you wanted money, what changed I asked baffled at her stupid request.

Oh come on Nate, don't be naive. The goal has always been  to marry you, all that money talk is just a plot. A means to an end she said with a coy smile.

Okay fine, I will do it on one condition and the condition is for you to let Knox go cause I know you have her.

Haha that will be a dumb move on my path. Here is what I can assure you, I will let her go once I am married to you and not a minute earlier she said with a sinister smile.

I briefly looked at Allen to see if there is progress cause I can't keep pretending and staying in the same place with this evil bitch.

Luckily he assured me he was done.

Okay then if that's your final decision then I will need a little time to put the marriage plans in motion and I will let you know when I am ready I said while Allen stylishly placed her bag on the desk like 3 minutes earlier.

Alright I will be waiting for your call she said as we both stood up and she picked her bag as I saw her out of my office to the elevator just to make her feel relaxed.

Is it activated I asked Allen when I got in.

Yes it is and she's moving, see her here he said pointing at a red dot on the laptop. We waited for her to get to the parking lot and started driving before we went to the car and started tracking her movements.

Her first stop was at an hotel, do you think this is where she's staying cause I doubt she can kidnap someone and keep the person here I said.

I don't think Knox is here, so we have to wait till she moves again. Hopefully it will be today cause Knox has been with her for 3 days already Allen said.

We waited from 2pm that we followed her to the hotel till 8pm and she still didn't move. This is going to be a long stake out I said to Allen as he yawned beside me.

I think you should go home while I go into the hotel and lounge for the night. That way I can relax a little and get something to eat and by so doing I can be close to her so that I can follow the moment she leaves I said.

No I am not leaving you alone in this, we will do this together. We need to park the car somewhere hidden cause the plate number announces you he said.

Thanks man, how about we park over there, I think the car will be out of sight enough I said as I started driving to the spot.

After parking, we came out of the car and entered the hotel and quickly booked a room and left the reception to avoid been seen by anybody especially Maria.

When we finally settled in, we set up the laptop and she's still in the hotel room.

Allen can you order something for us to eat I asked as I sat at the desk watching the laptop for any movement. We ate quietly with my eyes fixed on the laptop. After eating we took turns bathing with one person observing the laptop at all times.

Allen slept on the bed whilst I stayed awake on the couch looking at the laptop, it's already 12am and I don't think she can go out again maybe I will just relax for a little bit I thought as I started dozing.

Then I dropped the laptop on the floor beside me as I shifted on the couch trying to get comfortable.

The next time I opened my eyes was 4am and I immediately checked the laptop and thankfully nothing has changed yet.

I drifted back to sleep again with the hope that I don't sleep for too long.

The next time I opened my eyes was and checked the time was 6:30am and she was already on the move according to the indicator on the laptop.

Allen, hey man get up. She's on the fucking move I shouted as I started dressing up and Allen stood up sluggishly.

Allen is a true brother and a blessing, he has been with me all the way without complaining at any point even now that he is obviously tired and sleepy, he is still up dressing hurriedly without complaining.

We dashed out to the car and started going after her trail using the tracker till we left the city and the tracker stopped in an unknown area.

We have to call the cops, I have a feeling Knox is somewhere in this bush. After entering the bush which is almost like an overgrown farm land, we followed the pathway till we saw Maria's car parked in front of an old looking building.

We parked at a reasonable distance from her and started following her on foot while hiding within the bushes as she stayed in the car for a while probably accessing the environment and making sure she wasn't followed.

From where we are hidden, there is no way she can see us. After about 10 minutes, she came out of the car and entered the building.

I think we should wait here for the police because we don't know how many people are in there or if they have weapons and we don't have a means of defending ourselves Allen said.

That's true, the cops should be close by now seeing as we called them since but we can move closer so we don't lose sight of what's going on in there I said as we moved closer and looked for a more secured place to stay while we waited impatiently for the cops.

I wonder whats going on in there.

I can see one of the guys from the CCTV cameras in there with a gun in front of a door talking to Maria Allen said.

Author's Note:

I have like 3 to 4 chapters to go. I  hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far.

Please let me know what you think, I love to hear from you.

Please pardon any typos, I will edit and correct them as soon as I can. And don't forget to vote, much love 😘😘

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