Chapter 38

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Nathan's p.o.v:

Baby, Steve was at the office today to say hi to Allen and I. Really, why does he need to drive all the way just to say hi except he came for some other reasons, so what exactly did he say Knox asked whilst we were at the dinning table having dinner.

Yeah I don't know if I should tell you yet. Why not, well if you don't want to tell me, I can as well call Harley and ask why her boo visited you at the office.

Oh no you won't, okay fine you win. I will tell you only if you promise not to say a word to Harley about this.

Nate what's wrong, you are scaring me. Why can't I talk to Harley, is Steve breaking up with her she asked with a frown. Babe you have to say something, okay fine I promise not to tell her anything, so just tell me.

Okay okay calm down, he came to ask me to let him use any of my restaurant as venue to propose to Harley and he wants all of us there, so do you see why you are not allowed to tell her cause if you do then you will ruin the surprise.

Oh my God babe, that is such a good news. She has been waiting for this for so long. I'm so happy, so when is it happening she asked excitedly.

On Friday and he wants the restaurant completely empty, so I have asked my workers to make sure the restaurant is empty on Friday and set up the place for the occasion.

He wants all of us to have dinner together then during dinner he will propose to her, nothing too crazy just something intimate that's why he wants the restaurant completely empty. He even wanted to pay to get the restaurant empty but if I am to charge him for that, it will be a lot of money so I refused. It's like my little contribution moreover Steve is my friend now so I can't charge him.

That's so cool babe, you are such a darling and I really like his plan for the proposal. Harley will be so happy and surprised Knox said whilst we continued eating.

Did you see how surprised and happy she was when he knelt down and brought out the ring box Knox asked when we got back to home after Harley engagement. Oh yea she was so shocked and happy, it was a great night.

Baby, guess who's birthday is coming up next weekend she asked when we got to the room. I laughed knowing she was referring to my birthday.

Do you have any plans she asked after we have settled in and got comfortable in bed. No, no plans... Just want to spend the day with you nothing more. We can even be at home nothing serious, spending it with you is enough for me so anything is fine I said as I kissed her goodnight before turning the bedside table light off and drifting off to sleep.

A week later...

Happy birthday birthday boy I heard Knox say in my sleep with some shuffling around the bed before I felt a  kiss on my forehead which made me open my eyes and look up to a smiling Knox looking down at me.

Happy birthday baby she said again while beaming at me which made me smile. Thanks baby, but why are you up so early?

Because today is my baby's 28th birthday and I just wanted to bring you breakfast in bed she said while stepping back a little and pointing to the breakfast tray at the other side of the bed.

Thanks baby, you are such a darling I mentioned while sitting up and gesturing for her to join me on the bed then I kissed her before pulling the tray closer and examining everything on the tray and I can say there is a lot of breakfast goodness displayed before me.

This is a lot baby, you didn't have to. Yea but I wanted to she said kissing me again. Well you will have to join me then cause this is way too much for just one person I said as I sipped out of the juice before we started eating.

Baby you need to get up, take your bath and dress up cause we are going somewhere she said after we finished our breakfast.

Really, we're are we going? It's a surprise so get up and dress up she said while taking the tray down stairs to the kitchen.

She's such a God's gift to me and I am just so lucky to have her, I wonder what she has planned out for me I thought as I stood up and entered the bathroom to have my bath.

By the time we were done dressing it was already 12pm, okay baby let's go she said while leading me downstairs.

When we got to the living room, she rushed to the kitchen and emerged with a picnic basket in hand which makes me think we are going for picnic which I love and eager for cause the last time I went for picnic was when I was still a kid and I went with my parents before my dad made a bad business call and eventually committed suicide. Immediately after that, I was forced to grow up faster than normal and never had time for fun or anything remotely close so I am very thankful for this.

Knox decided to drive since she knows where we are going and she's bent on keeping it a secret. After about 45 minutes of driving she pulled over by the road side, I looked around but I don't think there is anywhere around here suitable for picnic.

I will have to blindfold you, you are not allowed to know where we are going before we get there she said while holding something black to blindfold me with.

Come on baby, you know I don't like not been able to see I whined. I know but it will only be for a while so man up and let me do this besides I am here with you she said while trying to blindfold me and now all I can see is pitch black.

Author's Note:

This is about to become fun. I will be back with another chapter very soon.

Please pardon any typos and don't forget to vote and comment. Much love 😘😘

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