Chapter 39

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Nathan's p.o.v:

We are almost there, just like 3 minutes more she said as I was getting more impatient since I couldn't see.

I'm coming over to the other side of the car to get you she said after packing the car. She opened my door and led me out then shut the door, hold on baby I need to get the picnic basket from the back seat.

Okay baby I said waiting while shifting my weight from one leg to another as I am now feeling very nervous not knowing where I am or what to expect... I know it's a picnic but I still feel like there is more to all of this.

Okay baby let's go she said looping her hand to mine after locking the car and then leading the way. Not been able to use my sight opened up my other senses and my ears became more active than ever.

I could hear indistinct chatters in the background and foot steps here and there till we finally came to a halt and I heard her dropping the basket probably on the table before helping me to sit on something that feels like concrete bench I think.

You ready baby, Knox finally asked after sitting down beside me. Yes I have been ready since like forever I said sounding more eager than I planned probably because I am very nervous.

The last time I celebrated my birthday or even had a surprise was when I was still a kid, so I am very eager and nervous cause I have no idea what to expect.

Okay then here we go she said untying the blindfold as my eyes finally became free of the blindfold but still closed. Open it she shouted excitedly as I calmly peeled my eyes open.

I don't want to believe that what I am seeing is actually true cause it's probably the sunlight trying to blind me that's making me see things cause right here is my fucking mum smiling at me, no this must be a dream I thought rubbing my eyes and hoping to wake up.

Nope it's not a dream, it's my mum but my mum is in a  nursing home on her request. Some months ago when she was okay, she asked me to take her to home for the elderly instead of my place that she wants to be with her mates, is that where we are right now I wondered as I looked around my environment to make sure.

Mum I said as I stood up from my seat and rushed over to her to give her a hug after realizing that Knox actually brought me here to celebrate my birthday with my mum.

Mum I am so happy to see you today I said as she kissed all over my face like she usually do when I was much younger while Knox giggled at the act.

I'm very excited to have you here on your birthday thanks to your fiancee, she's such a wonderful girl my mum said while stretching her hand to touch Knox.

Yeah thanks so much Knox, how did you even plan this... How in God's name did you know where she was I asked smiling at her.

Allen told me her location and I know you guys will be happy to spend the birthday together that's why I made it happen.

Thanks so much baby, you are the best. To be honest I am very happy and thankful to spend my birthday with the two most important women in my life I said giving them kisses.

The rest of the day went with us chatting happily, eating and drinking. We even tried to convince mum to leave this place and come home but she refused and insisted that she prefers to stay here and that she doesn't want to be a bother.

You are never a bother mum but if you prefer to be here I can understand that and I will continue to come check on you and send you money like I have been doing so don't worry and you know you can call me anytime I said as we decided to leave when Knox said she has another surprise for me.

Honestly I think she already out did herself and there is nothing that can top this. After saying kissing and saying bye to mum we left with Knox driving to our next destination which surprisingly was Allen's house.

What are we doing here baby I asked as we stepped out of the car and it's already past 5pm. Don't worry baby, I just want to pick something, we will be quick she said as she opened the door for me to go in first.

The moment I got in, I almost died of heart attack as there was a sudden shout of "Surprise" from people that was not in sight before like they were hiding in different places. I was very much shocked.

Everybody important was present starting with my best friend Allen, Harley, Steve, Lisa, Melvin and even people from work like Pamela my receptionist, Sara from accounting department, Paul from admin, even John my chauffeur and some other people that I am not that familiar with, in fact it was a full house.

I'm so thrilled as everybody is wishing me happy birthday, hugging and even gifting me things. I am having massive fun even more than I ever expected as we all ate and did barbecue at Allen's backyard.

I know I can't dance and I have two left feet but I still made some moves and it was fun even though everybody was laughing at me as I embarrassed myself all in the name of dancing. The important part is that I enjoyed every bit of the day all thanks to Knox and Allen for making my day awesome.

By the time we returned home it was almost 8pm and I was exhausted as fuck but very happy. Thanks so much baby, I am extremely grateful for everything you did for me today just to make me happy and I must say you succeeded beyond measures in making happy and I love you so much I said as I pulled her closer and kissed her as she giggled.

Well I am glad you are happy and you had fun cause that was my goal but I am not done yet she said pulling me towards the stairs. What do you mean by you are not done cause I think you have done more than enough already and I am more than happy. I don't even know what or how I am going to top this bar you have set during your birthday.

You still have enough time to figure that out she said teasingly when we got to the bedroom and she sat me down on the bed. I have two small gifts for you, here is the first one she said handing me a message jamboree.

It was a small jar containing different colored papers with birthday messages written on them from family and friends in their own hand writing. Thanks so much baby I love this, how did you get all of them to do this?

Don't worry about that, anything for you baby she said with a beautiful smile. This is your second gift she said handing me a small box which contained a very beautiful rose gold diamond encrusted Armani wristwatch that made me leave my mouth hanging open.

Babe this is fucking too much, you didn't have to do all of this. Thanks so much baby, you made my 28th birthday my best birthday ever. Nothing can top this I said pulling her over and kissing her silly.

Author's Note:

What do you think guys, anyways please pardon any typos and I will edit and correct them as soon as I can.

And please don't forget to vote and comment. Much love 😘😘

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