Chapter 31

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Knox's p.o.v:

Baby, I hope you enjoyed your weekend with me. I hope I didn't bore you over the weekend Nate asked as he dropped me at my place on Monday.

Are you serious, you flew me Paris for a weekend getaway. You cooked me the things I love to eat and it was honestly the best meals I have had in a long long time, we went to the cinema and for shopping and we also stayed at the best suite in your hotel... I can't even recount all the fun things we did together.

That's honestly the best weekend I have had in like forever and to top it up we are a couple, what more can I possibly ask for I said excitedly planting a kiss on his lips.

It's refreshing to know you had fun and that you are happy cause I am happy to have you in my life. I will be on my way now, so go in and relax and I will call you later in the day or call me, whatever you want. Take care baby, love you he said then kissed me before turning around.

I have missed you Knox Harley said the moment I stepped in and hugged her. What are all these she said referring to the shopping bags I was holding along side the bunch of roses Nate gave me at the hangar before we left for Paris.

Nate got them for me in Paris over the weekend I said when we got to my room and Harley started looking through all the bags.

Wait did you just say that Nate took you to Paris, cooked for you at his restaurant and did all this shopping and you guys are now dating all within the weekend she asked in disbelief.

Yes, yes, yes and yes I answered happily. Wow that's good news, I'm so happy for you she said joyfully and hugged me again.

So here, I got this for you I said handing her one of the shopping bags containing a crop top and a ripped jeans. Wow this is beautiful, I love it she said checking it out.

Where is Lisa, I got something for her too I said setting aside the bag for her. She's coming later in the evening, she has a date with her boyfriend.

Oh cool, till she gets here then I said just as my phone started ringing. It's Nate I said with a smile. Wow lover girl she teased whilst she left my room with her bag as I picked the call.

Me: Hey baby, how are you... Missing me already?

Nate: Sure I am, but I wanted to ask if you are free tonight!

Me: Yes I am

Nate: Okay get ready I will pick you up after work.

Me: Okay I will

Nate: Alright then, see you later

Me: Bye

I better look for something to wear I said as I stood up and went to my closet to check for something. I think this will suffice I said bringing out a red jumpsuit and laying it on the bed.


Later that evening after preparing, Nate came to pick me up and we went to the movies and also had dinner at his hotel before he brought me back home.

Since we started dating, we have been hanging out a lot and having lots of fun. It feels so good to be in a relationship, I'm in love and it feels so good.

I was so exhausted when I returned home, I managed to take a bath and changed into my night wear before laying on the bed while waiting for Nate to call and inform me he was home.

I am home alone, Lisa has a date with Melvin and Harley is at Steve's place. She's definitely not coming home tonight.

Just as I was dozing off, Nate called to say he's home and that he had as much fun as I did tonight. We said our goodbyes before hanging up and turning on my side with a smile on my face as I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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