chapter 41

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Knox's p.o.v:

I was already parked at the parking lot in one of Nate's car at the restaurant where I am to meet up with Maria when I remembered that Nate asked me to send my location to him. I  quickly sent it before rushing out of the car and heading to the restaurant as I am already 10 minutes late.

I could already see her beautiful face at the corner of the restaurant the moment I got in...on a normal day, I would have been feeling threatened like I was in a competition with her because truth b told she is a beautiful lady but in this situation, I am honestly not threatened because I sincerely have the best man in the world and he has never made me uncomfortable or made me feel like I wasn't enough for him.

In fact he worships and treats me like a queen and I am so grateful to God for gifting me such a wonderful man.

I looked around the entire restaurant and it is fairly full, so I think I will be safe here thought as I moved closer to where she is seated.

Hi I said as I sat in front of her. You are late she said as she picked up her glass of wine and sipped it.

Yeah I am sorry, I just got caught up somewhere but I am here now. Fine, so why did you ask to see me?

I just wanted to know why you decided to spread that fake news about our engagement, what exactly do you want from us I asked staring at her.

What I want is for you to leave Nate alone for me cause as long as you two are together, I will not let you guys have any atom of peace and let me tell you that this false news as you called it is the very least of what I plan on doing especially to you cause I know you are the reason why Nate isn't having time for me.

The best decision you can make right now is to leave Nate for good so I can have him she said with an evil smile.

You must be a comedian seeing as you are so funny or maybe you are just crazy to think I can leave the love of my life for you. Just so you know since you are so dumb, it can never happen.

I should also inform you that you're now the only one that can do crazy things, in my line of business I happen to have met different men and as such men with different characteristics and jobs. So calling on of them to get rid of a small filthy test like you is going to be a very easy task I said with a sinister smirk and she immediately went pale before regaining herself.

From the last time we spoke, I noticed that you can be a difficult person and that is why I came prepared she said as she looked behind me.

With that I got spooked but I won't let her know that, so I discreetly looked around the restaurant and it was utterly hollow apart from two guys in suit sitting behind me and before I knew it the were both standing beside me, as I wanted to stand up and leave they both held me down on the chair and the one on my right opened his suit jacket to show me the gun that was by his belt and that was when I realized I was in trouble.

Now you'll get up and step out of here without creating a scene except you want him to use his gun on you and as you can see the restaurant is hollow so there's literally nothing you can do.

So stand up and start moving she said as I mutely stood up and I was led out of the restaurant by the two guys to the parking lot where they both brought out their guns and pointed it at me the forced me to get into the car when I resisted a tad but with the gun pointed at my head I couldn't do much so I got in and I was in the middle with the two guys by my side whilst Maria drove the car.

Maria what you're doing is wrong and you're going to regret it. Will you guys shut her up , I abruptly felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and I blacked out.


What the fuck i squealed as I was drenched in cold water, then I realized I was knocked out as I can still feel pain at the back of my head.

I tried to move but I realized I couldn't cause I was tied down on the chair and Maria was standing in front of me holding and empty bucket.

You this crazy bitch, you better make certain I don't get out of this alive cause if I do I will make you pay and you will rue the day you were born I threatened even though I know there's really nothing I can do but I won't give her that satisfaction.

Oh you're so right,  I can't let you get out of this at lease not alive. I may not know what to do with you yet   but you will remain here till I decide that she said with her infamous sinister smile.

Let me out bitch, you won't get away with this I squealed behind her as she barrelled away and gave instructions to someone at the other side of the door in a hushed voice.

I need to get get out of here, I can't let that bitch get away with this. She has gone utterly crazy. I should have listened to Nate,  if I had I wouldn't be in the position right now he is going to freak out if he can't find me, what have I done.

Looking around the room to see if there a way out but there's only two doors and a window that has iron bars.

Her who's there,  excuse me I shouted at the top of my voice till someone eventually came in.

What is it, what do you want he demanded aggressively. Can you please release me from this chair, it is so uncomfortable plus I want to use the bathroom I said pleadingly to the guy standing by the door.

What do you think do I look like a fool to you, you want me to release you so you can elope right he said accusingly. No I don't plan on eloping, if I have to be here for a long time then I should be comfortable moreover there's no way in hell I can get out of here except through the door so please release me and I'll behave myself I promise.

Fine because  you asked nicely I will untie you but if you try anything goofy I won't hesitate to tie you down again he said as he came close and untied me.

That's the bathroom you can use it but don't try to play a fast one on me he warned me sternly before exiting the room and locking it.

I scurried to the bathroom to check if there was a way out but I was crestfallen to see that it has only a small window with iron bars. From what I can see,  there is only one way out and it's through the door.

I need to think of how to get out of here I thought as o returned back to the room and stayed on the bed whilst I looked around the room for any sharp object but there was none. I might have been acting tough all day but as the day comes to an end and the abduction is seeming more real and I started feeling spooked that I am here alone and Nate might not be able to find me, and I don't even know where I am.

Will I even make it out of here alive or dead, the more I wondered about everything the more I realized I am doomed and I might not get to see Nate again and as such I couldn't help the pool of tears that cascaded down soaking the pillow I was resting on as I coiled up in one corner of the bed and cried while thinking of my life.

What could Nate be doing now, I hope he's with Allen trying to figure things out. I hope they can figure things out quickly and involved the Cops before its too late cause that Maria girl is a real piece of work and I wonder what she will come up with when she returns here I thought whilst hoping for the best as I cried myself to sleep but not before praying that everything was a dream and by the time I'm up I'll be back home like none of this ever happened.

Author's Note:

Thanks guys for staying with me so far. We are drawing really close to the end but it's all good.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you like the chapter. Much love 😘😘 

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