Chapter 32

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Nathan's p.o.v:

Nate did you see the turn up at the event yesterday, it was a great success. Congratulations man Allen said sitting on the chair in front of me.

Yes the turn up was massive and the media contributed to the success. Almost everybody we invited showed up, virtually everything went as planned.

Did you notice how the crowd went crazy when you introduced Knox as your girlfriend, it was a bombshell and honestly you guys suits yourself he said with a smile.

What is wrong Nate, with all the great outcomes of yesterday, you don't look as happy as you should. What exactly is bordering you or do I need to remind you that I am your brother before you tell me all asked studying my face.

Did you see Maria at the fucking event yesterday, she was practically following us everywhere and staring at us creepily I said as I stood up and started pacing back and forth.

Yeah I think I noticed her once, wearing a red dress and standing at the corner of the room. Did she approach you guys after I left cause I left before the end of the event.

No she didn't, it just that there was something mean about how she looked at us. Who in God's name even invited her, how did she know I was launching my fucking hotel yesterday.

Do you think she's been following us all this while cause I am beginning to think so. What if she goes after Knox.

She might have been following us but I  seriously doubt she will do something so stupid as going after Knox. That will be a dumb move, moreover she has no business with her. Her business is with you so relax, it's nothing to worry about.

And with that I relaxed a little, stopped pacing around my office and returned back to my chair. I guess you are right, so how was your date yesterday, where did you guys go after the launch.

We came back here and had dinner then stayed at your room, they gave me the key as usual. Oh yea, did you have fun. I hope you didn't rush into having sex with her cause that will be too early and might push her away.

No we didn't, we just talked then slept nothing more. Enough about me, how about you. Have you guys had sex he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

No not yet. What, why not. You guys have been dating for over 6 months now so what's stopping you.

Nothing, it's just that she's a virgin and I don't want to pressure her. I want her to be ready on her own and I don't think that will be anytime soon so I have to wait.

Oh wow, she is a rare gem. In that case there is no need to rush he said just as my office phone started ringing.

Yes Pamela, what is it? Alright let her in. She said Maria is here to see me I said to Allen after dropping the call.

Maria what are you doing here I asked with a bored expression the moment she stepped in. I came to see you, hi Allen it's been too long she said with a coy smile.

Oh no I wouldn't say that, I guess it isn't long enough Allen shot back.

She responded to his remark with an evil smile before facing me. So Nate have you thought about my proposal yet she said not minding to sit down.

Yes I have and I have come to a conclusion that I am not paying you for anything, not now or ever cause I am not owing you. We were dating at the time and you willingly assisted me with a small amount of money which was intended as a gift.

You never mentioned at any point that I have to return it but from the goodness of my heart I gave you triple of that money when you came asking for it simply because we were no longer dating.

And now you are not just asking for more money but you are asking for 30% of my shares, very hilarious.

I am saying it again, I'm not giving you anything from my shares and I am not getting married to you at least not in this lifetime I said firmly.

You are making a mistake Nate, you are going to give me that shares because thanks to that money I gave you, you are in this position right now she said.

Oh no, you are wrong about that. He is in this position because of his hard work and perseverance ,nothing more. If you must know, you can't force him to give you his shares or marry you cause it's not in your place to do so. He has been nothing but extremely nice to you so give him a break and stop acting like a bitch Allen said before I could say anything.

Oh really now, you haven't seen a bitchy attitude yet. Now I'm giving you a week to decide on either transferring 30% of your shares to me or marrying me. When I returned, you better have a suitable response for me or you will see a very nasty side of me. Have a good day if you can she said as she walked out of my office.

Is she kidding, I  think she has gone crazy again cause she can't be serious right Allen asked in disbelief.

Yes you are right, I think she has gone crazy again cause there is no way in hell I will meet any of her ridiculous demands. What will I do to get this bitch off my back, I can't let her blackmail me into anything.

It's totally impossible, you of all people knows how much I struggled so much to get to where I am today with no parents or any family members to support me. I will be damned if I let her force me into anything.

Don't worry, we will think of something to get her off your back, just relax everything will be okay. I think the first thing you need to do is tell Knox about all of these before she gets to her cause the Maria I saw this morning is desperate and dangerous, definitely not the Maria of before or maybe she's just very good at hiding this part of her. With the way she spoke, she will be willing to put an end to your relationship with Knox especially now that she knows her Allen said.

I think you are right Allen, I need to tell Knox everything as soon as possible so that she can be aware and prepared in case anything comes up.

Alright then we should get back to work and later in the day we can get together and figure out what we will do about this Maria girl Allen said as he stood up and made his way to the door.

I need to call Knox I said as I picked up my phone and started dialing her number.

Knox: Hey baby

Me: How are you doing love?

Knox: I'm fine, you?

Me: I'm okay, can I pick you up at the close of work today I need to discuss something with you, it's urgent.

Knox: Oh yeah you can, I hope it's nothing too serious.

Me: Not really, I will see you soon. Love you

Knox: Love you too.

What a crazy world, how can someone change so swiftly. How can you hurt someone you claim means a lot to you, I don't understand how you can say you love someone and still hurt them intentionally. I won't let Maria get away with this, I have done nothing wrong to her.

I have been very good to her and I even tried to help her when I realized she needed help even though she didn't ask for it and it not my fault we are no longer together so she can't just come back and start making demands.

I have someone that loves me now and I love her too and she's very special to me,as such I won't do anything to hurt her. I I need to stop this madness before it escalates and someone gets hurt.

It will be so unfair if I let it happen, I deserve to be happy too cause I have been through a lot and it's just fair to have a break and experience another taste of life I thought after hanging up with Knox.

Author's Note:

Please pardon any typos or error, I will edit and correct them as soon as I can.

And please don't forget to vote and comment. Much love 😘😘

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