Chapter 37

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There is a short matured content towards the end of this chapter. Thanks

Knox's p.o.v:

Oh my God Knox, this ring is so beautiful and it looks so nice on your finger. I'm so happy for you, you have found the love of your life and he loves you too Harley mentions excitedly as she examined my diamond ring.

I am so happy too and he really took me by surprise, I didn't even suspect he was planning something and you didn't even tell me or hint me about it.

Why will I do that, it will no longer be a surprise if I had hint you about it. Moreover, Nate would have killed me cause he specifically warned me not to hint you and I am glad you were pleasantly surprised.

Fine, so how's Steve. How are things with you guys I asked as I lay on the bed. He is fine and we are doing very much OK, I am happy with him and the relationship as well but I just don't know exactly when or if he plans on taking everything to the next level.

It's okay, Steve is a nice guy and he loves you so much and I am sure he has plans for you so just relax and don't pressure him, he is probably taking his time moreover I don't think Steve is wasting time rather I think Nate was just too in a hurry.

I guess you're right, everything will happen in due time.

There is something I want to discuss with you Harley I said as she nodded for me to continue.

I don't think I can continue with our "Girlfriend for hire" business. I have been thinking about it even before I got engaged that since we are in a relationship, it's no longer making sense to keep rendering such services to our clients because there is every tendency it may affect our relationship and I wouldn't want that cause we all have something beautiful going on and it will be sad to spoil things simply because we are trying to help people I said with a sigh.

I have been waiting for you to say this cause Steve have been complaining and asking me to stop, I  didn't just know how to say it without hurting you, so wipe that frown away and let's figure out how to shut down "Girlfriend for hire"  but we have to think of something else to do cause I am not about to be jobless she said with a smile.

I am just so glad we are on the same page cause I have been worried sick that you might not take it well. We always understand each other and that's why you are my best friend I said while hugging her.

We have to inform Lisa of the plan though and then think of what to do next... That reminds me, when are you moving in with Nate cause he has been asking you to move in like forever and now you guys are engaged so what's your excuse she asked.

I just don't want to leave you here alone I said with a sad smile.

You are not leaving me here alone, I will be moving in with Steve. He asked me to move in with him last weekend during your engagement.

Are you serious, why didn't you tell me. And you said he isn't taking things to the next level, come on girl this is big. Some next level shit I said pulling her in for a hug.

I guess you're right, it's a step to better things I hope she said with a smile. So when are you moving in with him I asked.

When you decide to move in with Nate she said poking her tongue out. Alright fine, how about we both move this weekend so that we can have the whole week to talk about a new business, shut the old one down and pack our things.

That's a good idea, so tell me how your first time was Harley asked. Oh my God Harley, it was the best night ever. Nate was so careful with me and he gave me maximum pleasure but he is so big down there I said shyly.

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