He's Perfect, She's Perfect.

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Luke's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed quietly playing guitar and texting Vanessa she was gonna have an early night I typed "Okay! Night beautiful, sweet dreams. I love you. <3 xoxox" But I deleted those three little words, did I really mean it, did I really love her. I think it's to soon to truly know, but I know I'm definitely falling for her and fast. I went downstairs to get some food because mum had started drinking with Natalie and forgot to feed me, they were sitting out on the deck laughing and chatting away about who know's what. I hated it when my mum drunk alcohol because that's all she use to do. After dad died she turned to the bottle and would get drunk almost every night, I had to go stay with my grandparents quite a lot because she was unable to look after me. I hope this little slip up won't make her start depending on it again. I made myself some microwave noodles and took them up to my room and ate them. I decided to follow Vanessa's example and have an early night but I couldn't sleep my brain was thinking to much about Vanessa, everything she days is so cute the way she pokes her tongue out while concentrating and how she plays with the ends of her hair when she's nervous and makes cute faces. She's smart, funny, attractive, caring, beautiful and she's just truly perfect. Every conversation we've ever had just rushed through my mind. The moment we meet the, first time I set eyes on her I knew it would be like this I'd fall inlove with her. She's perfect, she's perfect to me. Am I really in love with her? The answer would be yes.

Jake's P.O.V

There was rattling and banging coming from the front door, I looked over at Vanessa who was still fast asleep. I then looked at my phone to see what the time was it was 3.47am. I quietly walked over to the door and opened it to find my mum, she was completely off her face. "Heeeeeey Jake." She slurred, she stumbled into the house. "Where's your sister?" She asked. "Why do you even care? You'd rather get hammered then come home with your upset children and make sure they're okay! Vanessa was crying her eyes out and you just stayed with the person that made her so upset and made friends and got drunk. What kind of mother are you? You're a real shit one, that's what you are!" I yelled at her, I was just so angry. "Jake! She's not gonna remember your speech anyway save the yelling for when she's sober and will remember it." Vanessa said sleepily, walking up behind me. She was right. Vanessa helped mum upstairs and into bed so she didn't break a bone and then we both hoped in our own beds and went back to sleep.

Vanessa's P.O.V

I lay in bed trying to sleep but was failing my brain was racing with all sorts of crazy things. But there was one person who kept showing up in my thoughts it was Luke. He was so cute everything about him was cute, the way he bites his lip when he's nervous and how he cares so much about me. He's smart, adorable, funny, attractive, caring and he's just perfect. Every conversation we'd ever had rushed through my mind. I remember when we meet and he was just sitting on the grass writing something on a writing pad and he looked up at me with his beautiful eyes steering and his perfect smile showing. I knew right then that this would happen I'd fall in love with him. He's perfect for me. Did I really love him the answer was yes. I wanna tell him right now but I think it would be to soon and I'd probably scare him away and I don't want that and he won't feel the same way.

I woke up to my alarm, my alarm was oath by Cher Lloyd it is mine and Hannah's song and it reminded me of her. It was a good way to start an early morning. I got out of bed and went into Jake's room to wake him up he was already up, dressed and ready to go. "Dan's mum is dropping me off at school and she's picking me up early cause she has jobs to do on the way there. So gotta run see you later." He said, rushing past me. "Byee." I yell. I go and jump in the shower, then get dressed I decided on wearing black shorts and my mini mouse jumper I bought at the mall the other day with the girls, I quickly blow dried my wet hair and then tied it up in a ponytail, I put on some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss and then packed my bag. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Luke saying. "Morning Lukey! I'm almost ready just gotta have breakfast :) xox" I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cocopops, Luke text back saying. "Morning babe, on my way now :) xx" I finished my breakfast and then quickly brushed my teeth. There was a knock at the door while I was quickly writing a note to mum. "Hope you regret drinking last night and have a lovely hang over! Love Vanessa and Jake." I was rather angry with her to be honest, she was still asleep in her bed and will probably still be there when I get home she's lucky she has a day off today. I stuck the note on the fridge, grabbed my bag and walked to the door. "Heey." Luke said when I opened the door "Heey." I say, I turn around to lock the door and then turn around to face Luke. He entwined our hands and we walked to school. "What time did your mum get home last night?" He asked. "Like around 4.00 I think. I had to help her into bed she was so pissed." I say. "You sound angry, why are you angry?" He asked. "Because my mum would rather go get drunk then make sure her crying son and daughter were all right." I say. "It's okay, I understand my mum had an alcohol problem after my dad died I know how it feels to be the second option. Don't worry you'll always be my first." "Thank you Luke! You're the cutest." I say giving a peck on the cheek. "Oh and my mum is really sorry about what she said and wants to apologize in person if that's ok with you." "It's alright, I kinda over reacted it's fine! I need to apologize too!" "You didn't over react babe." He said smiling at me. "Whatever you say Hemmings, can I stop by after school tomorrow?" "That should be fine! By the way don't forget our date on Saturday." "I'd never forget, what time must I be ready by?" "I'll pick you up at 6.30." "I look forward to it, can I have a hint?" "Nope, it's gonna be a surprise." "Fine!" I say, we had just reached school there were students everywhere. "I wish we were in the same home room." I say. "Me to, maybe next year." "Hopefully." "I'll see you at lunch, have a great morning." Luke say's giving me a hug and a kiss on the lips. "Byee, you too." I say and then walk off in the direction of my homeroom.

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