Shopping Adventures And Water Ballons (Part Two)

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Vanessa's P.O.V

After about 20 minutes all the girls had found an outfit for me to try. "You said no dresses, but you didn't say anything about skirts." Jess said, she handed me a black and grey high waisted skirt that reached just above the knee and a white crop top that pretty much was a bra. "Just try it." She said. "Fine!" I say walking into the changing room. I looked in the mirror after I changed and sighed it showed my stomach and I'm really insecure so this one is a no. "You have to show us!!" Tesh said. "Coming" I unlock the door and step out. "You look so good in that, you'll have Luke drooling." Tesh said. "Um, no." I say. "You don't like it?" Stacey asks. "I don't like this!" I say pointing to the bit of my stomach on display. "We could find a different top to go with it, you have good legs for skirts." Jess says. "Let me try the others first." I say smiling, the skirt was quite nice I guess. "Me next!" Stacey says handing me a singlet with the union jack on it and black skinny jeans. "I though you could wear your red converse with this and maybe a jacket or something if it's cold." I liked her choice much more me, than the skirt and crop top pairing. I walked into the changing room and quickly got changed and then walked back out. "Look any good?" I ask. "This one is a lot more you." Tesh says. "I like this I say pointing to the top Stacey choose. "What about the jeans.?" "I have like 50 pairs already, I could just wear a pair of them." "Good point." "Ok, now my outfit." Tesh says. She hands me a grey sweatshirt with mini mouse on the front and light blue shorts. "This is cute." I say holding up the mini mouse sweatshirt. I go in and change and come out. "Soooo...." I say. "This is the cutest outfit ever!" Jess says. "I'm probably gonna steal that from you." Stacey says. "You gonna buy it?" Tesh asks. "Yep!" I say. This outfit is so cute and I like it it's a change from my ripped up jeans and band tshirts but it's mini mouse you can't not buy it. "I'm also gonna buy this." I say picking up the singlet Stacey had chosen. "And this." I say grabbing the skirt. "Yay!" Jess says. I got changed back into my clothes and we bought the clothes. "Need anything else?" Jess asks. "I don't think so." I say. "Does that mean we can get lunch? I'm starved." Stacey says. "Lets go then!" Tesh says, we head to subway which is at the start of the mall, we order and sit down.. The girls had all bought a few things also and we had 12 bags all up full of clothes and accessories. "Successful day shopping girls?" Jess asks. "I found it to be one of the worst experiences of my life to be honest!" I say. "Are we that bad?" "No, shopping just isn't my thing." I say. "There will be a next time Nessa, and I'll make you come!" Tesh says evilly. "Should I be scared?" We all just start laughing. "Yes, yes you should!" Tesh says. "Are any of you going to tell me where Luke's taking me?" I ask. "I don't even know, so don't ask me." Stacey says. "We're not telling!" Tesh and Jess say at the same time. "You's suck!" "We were sworn to secrecy!" Tesh says. "You'll like it though! He put alot of thought into it." Jess says. "Fine! I'll just wait then." I say..

Luke's P.O.V

There was a knock at the door, it must be Cal and Ash. "Come in!" I yell. Michael and I were tying up and filling up water balloons we had managed to break about 50 already it's a very hard work. Claum, Ashton and Jake walked into the kitchen. "How's the balloon tying going?" Calum asked. "Horrible." Michael says. "I can help if ya's want!" Jake says. "That would be great lil dude." Michael says he walks over to the kitchen sink and starts helping, he was much better at tying water balloons than us. "You must've tied lot's of balloons in your time." Ashton say's "Yeah! Me and Nessa use to always have water fights in our backyard!" He says. "You can be our secret weapon then!" I said. "Vanessa would be better she has a very powerful accurate aim, I ended up with bruises she's deadly." He said laughing. "I don't think I'll be messing with her then!" Calum joked. "And she did boxing and self-defence classes, she could probably kill you if she wanted too." Jake said still focusing on the balloons. "Hush Jake! You're gonna make poor Luke poop himself." Michael said laughing. "Oh sorry! Don't worry she won't hurt you unless you hurt her. But I don't think, well I hope you're not like that!" "I'm not I promise." I say. He just smiled and went back to the balloons. I'd never hit a girl or woman and most definitely not Vanessa. After another 40 minutes of filling and tying water balloons and also filling water guns we put everything in the boot of Ashton's car and drove to the park. Late as always I hope they won't mind. We parked the car and the car was swarmed with fans, Ashton wound down his window and said "We kinda needa get out." All of the girls took a few steps back and gave us room to step out, we said some "Hello's" and then unloaded the car, most of the fans had also brung some filled water balloons and water guns. "Okay so here is how it's going to work. Firstly everyone put there dry stuff, towels, cellphones and other stuff over here and make sure you remember where you put it so you don't lose it." Ashton said pointing over to a tree where we thought would be a good place, everyone moved all there stuff over there and came back. "Oh and everyone this is Jake, he's Vanessa's little brother! He is our secret weapon for today." Michael said pointing at Jake who smiled and waved at all the girls. "Hiiii Jake!" The whole bunch of girls said.. "HI!" He said. "Okay! So we have to options. You guy's against us or we split up into two even groups?" Calum asks. We waited a few minutes for the fans to come to a decision they were in little huddles around the grass. "We think two even groups!" One girl yelled. "Yep! We agree." Someone else yelled. "So everyone good with that arrangement?" Calum asks. There was a big 'Yes' from the fans. "Cake vs Mashton?" I asked. followed by another 'Yes' and someone said. "What about Jake?" "We dibs Jake!" Calum said. "Fine then!" Michael said. All the fan's were laughing. "Okay, there should be about a hundred fans here so could you's split yourselves 50/50" Michael asked. Everyone started splitting up into two big groups, it looked pretty even. "Okay, heads or tails." Ashton said pointing to one group. "HEADS!" A girl yelled. "Okay!" Then Ashton flipped the coin. "It's Tails." "So who do you girl's want, mashton or cake?" Michael asked. "MASHTON!" They yelled. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Ashton yelled. "Okay, So help us put all the water balloons down in the middle." Calum said. We started moving all the water balloons to the middle, we then all lined up on opposite sides of the balloons. "HANG ON! We need to talk tactics with our teams." Calum yelled. "OKAY!" Michael yelled. We got into a big huddle and discussed our team plan.

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