Cute Late Night Phone Calls And Skype Dates.

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Vanessa's P.O.V

I went downstairs to find my mum and Jake dishing up tea in the kitchen, it smelt quite yummy.

"Is Luke your boyfriend?" Jake asks, cutting right to the chase I see.

"We're going to go on a date and see what happens." I say smiling.

We're one of them families that know everything about each other so there was no point in hiding it, Mum was smiling I think she may be happy for me.

"I'm very happy for you Nessa. Could you please set the table?" She asks, bingo I was right.

"Sure." I grabbed knives and forks and lay them out on the dining table, Mum and Jake brought over the plates we ate and chatted about school and stuff.

I love my family I honestly couldn't like without my Mum and Jake, Jake and I wash and dry the dishes together while Mum preps herself for yet another meeting, I say goodnight to everyone and then head up to my room.

I have a quick shower and then log on to twitter... My twitter followers had gone up a tad and my mentions were a lot more lively than usual a lot of them mentioning a certain someone by the name of Luke. "What the fuck?" I say to myself, I decide on ringing Tesh and ask her what the hell is going on. 

Tesh's P.O.V

I just finished dinner with my Dad and Mandy. "Well I'm going to bed, good night." I say getting up and walking half way up the stairs. "Good night darling." My Dad says.

"Good night sweetie, love you." Mandy says. Ugh, I hate her. She doesn't love me or my dad she loves his wallet.

I get into my room and go on twitter and see what my boys (one direction) have been up to.

First, I check my mentions they were blowing up they only ever do this if one of the boy's had mentioned me or when 5SOS fans want to send me hate or ask me weird questions, I was reading through them and no surprises there they were all questions from 5SOS fans asking about the boys. They were mostly nice the odd one was mean, but I'll survive.

My phone started ringing on my bedside table it was Vanessa. "Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Why am I getting so many mentions about Luke I didn't even tweet about him?" She asks, she has a lot to learn.

"Maybe he tweeted about you? Check his twitter?" I suggest.

"What's his username thing?" She asks.

"Uhh @Luke5SOS" I say happily.

"Okay, Why 5SOS?" She asks.

"5 Seconds Of Summer, you egg." I say and laugh.

"Oh right, gotcha." She says, I could hear tapping and clicking in the background.

"Ew, he tweeted a picture of me." She adds.

"I'm sure you look fine." I say, what a drama queen.

"It's not too bad I guess, but these fans don't seem to think so." She say's sounding awfully sad about it.

"Don't let them get to you, most of them are really nice." I say.

"Yeah, some of them are lovely! Some girl just called me a stupid hoe though, too much Nicki minaj for her." She says laughing.

"You're not a stupid hoe, she's the stupid hoe." I say.

"Aw, Tesh's got her bad ass on." She says, we both start laughing through the phone to each other.

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